Today wasn't a bad day. A higher capture rate when compared to the mean of the last week. The number of species was also good, but I start to miss something more unusual.
The results from today were the following (retraps between parentheses):
Hvid Vipstjert Motacilla alba - 1 (0) - first of the year
Rødstjert Phoenicurus phoenicurus - 1 (0)
Havesanger Sylvia borin - 1 (0)
Tornsanger Sylvia communis - 5 (0)
Røsanger Acrocephalus scirpaceus- 1 (0)
Gulbug Hippolais icterina - 2 (2)
Løvsanger Phylloscopus trochilus - 7 (0)
Gaerdesmutte Troglodytes troglodytes - 1 (0)
Gra Fluesnapper Muscicapa striata - 1 (0)
Broget Fluesnapper Ficedula hypoleuca - 1 (0)
Musvit Parus major - 1 (0)
Rødrygget Tornskade Lanius collurio - 1 (0) - first female of the year
Bogfinke Fringilla coelebs - 3 (0)
Grønirisk Chloris chloris - 1 (0)
Tornirisk Carduelis cannabina - 0 (1)
Stillits Carduelis carduelis- 3 (0)
Total 30 (3) - one new species for the present year
torsdag den 31. maj 2012
onsdag den 30. maj 2012
Lille forbedring
Today the captures were a little more higher than in the previous days. However the numbers continue to be low and without no "special" species.
The results from today, as usual, were the following (retraps between parentheses):
Havesanger Sylvia borin - 2 (0)
Munk Sylvia atricapilla - 1 (1)
Tornsanger Sylvia communis - 5 (1)
Gaerdesanger Sylvia curruca - 1 (2)
Kaesanger Acrocephalus palustris - 2 (0)
Gulbug Hippolais icterina - 0 (4)
Løvsanger Phylloscopus trochilus - 1 (0)
Gra Fluesnapper Muscicapa striata - 1 (0)
Bogfinke Fringilla coelebs - 1 (0)
Tornirisk Carduelis cannabina - 0 (1)
Gulspurv Emberiza citrinella - 1 (0)
Total - 15 (9)
The results from today, as usual, were the following (retraps between parentheses):
Havesanger Sylvia borin - 2 (0)
Munk Sylvia atricapilla - 1 (1)
Tornsanger Sylvia communis - 5 (1)
Gaerdesanger Sylvia curruca - 1 (2)
Kaesanger Acrocephalus palustris - 2 (0)
Gulbug Hippolais icterina - 0 (4)
Løvsanger Phylloscopus trochilus - 1 (0)
Gra Fluesnapper Muscicapa striata - 1 (0)
Bogfinke Fringilla coelebs - 1 (0)
Tornirisk Carduelis cannabina - 0 (1)
Gulspurv Emberiza citrinella - 1 (0)
Total - 15 (9)
tirsdag den 29. maj 2012
Is og fuglekikkeri - del II
Too windy during the morning. Because of it, I made only the standard ringing hours.
After that, the day was similar to yesterday.. Walking, birdwatching (again with a new specie for me), and once more a excellent ice cream. Today the trip was with Hans, we also saw some nest-boxes and spotted a young owl on the woods.
Tthe results from today were the following (retraps between parentheses):
Havesanger Sylvia borin - 1 (0)
Munk Sylvia atricapilla - 1 (0)
Tornsanger Sylvia communis - 2 (0)
Kaesanger Acrocephalus palustris - 1 (0)
Gulbug Hippolais icterina - 2 (2)
Løvsanger Phylloscopus trochilus - 2 (0)
Gulspurv Emberiza citrinella - 1 (0)
Total - 10 (2)
After that, the day was similar to yesterday.. Walking, birdwatching (again with a new specie for me), and once more a excellent ice cream. Today the trip was with Hans, we also saw some nest-boxes and spotted a young owl on the woods.
Tthe results from today were the following (retraps between parentheses):
Havesanger Sylvia borin - 1 (0)
Munk Sylvia atricapilla - 1 (0)
Tornsanger Sylvia communis - 2 (0)
Kaesanger Acrocephalus palustris - 1 (0)
Gulbug Hippolais icterina - 2 (2)
Løvsanger Phylloscopus trochilus - 2 (0)
Gulspurv Emberiza citrinella - 1 (0)
Total - 10 (2)
mandag den 28. maj 2012
Is og fuglekikkeri
Today the nets were only open until midday.
The wind was blowing too strongly, so I went with Gert to see some
birds. We were searching for Saxicola maura, but we didn't have any
sucess. This way, we decided to go to another place
and got to see some ducks, gooses, swans, cranes, white tail sea eagle,
and marsh tit (my first ever). After that just a quick stop to savor a small ice cream (I'm thinking of not even having dinner). Anyway, the results from today were the following (retraps between parentheses):
Jernspurv Prunella modularis - 0 (1)
Havesanger Sylvia borin - 1 (0)
Tornsanger Sylvia communis - 4 (0)
Kaesanger Acrocephalus palustris - 2 (0)
Gulbug Hippolais icterina - 6 (0)
Løvsanger Phylloscopus trochilus - 3 (0)
Gransanger Phylloscopus collybita - 1 (0)
Gra Fluesnapper Muscicapa striata - 2 (0)
Tornirisk Carduelis cannabina - 2 (0)
Total - 21 (1)
Jernspurv Prunella modularis - 0 (1)
Havesanger Sylvia borin - 1 (0)
Tornsanger Sylvia communis - 4 (0)
Kaesanger Acrocephalus palustris - 2 (0)
Gulbug Hippolais icterina - 6 (0)
Løvsanger Phylloscopus trochilus - 3 (0)
Gransanger Phylloscopus collybita - 1 (0)
Gra Fluesnapper Muscicapa striata - 2 (0)
Tornirisk Carduelis cannabina - 2 (0)
Total - 21 (1)
søndag den 27. maj 2012
Mindre end ti
Probably the most quite ringing day since I've arrived here.
The ringing results were the following (retraps between parentheses):
Engpiber Anthus pratensis - 1 (0) - first of the year
Havesanger Sylvia borin - 1 (1)
Tornsanger Sylvia communis - 1 (2)
Gaerdesanger Sylvia curruca - 0 (1)
Kaesanger Acrocephalus palustris - 1 (0)
Gulbug Hippolais icterina - 0 (2)
Løvsanger Phylloscopus trochilus - 1 (0)
Gransanger Phylloscopus collybita - 2 (0)
Tornirisk Carduelis cannabina - 2 (1)
Total - 9 (4)
The ringing results were the following (retraps between parentheses):
Engpiber Anthus pratensis - 1 (0) - first of the year
Havesanger Sylvia borin - 1 (1)
Tornsanger Sylvia communis - 1 (2)
Gaerdesanger Sylvia curruca - 0 (1)
Kaesanger Acrocephalus palustris - 1 (0)
Gulbug Hippolais icterina - 0 (2)
Løvsanger Phylloscopus trochilus - 1 (0)
Gransanger Phylloscopus collybita - 2 (0)
Tornirisk Carduelis cannabina - 2 (1)
Total - 9 (4)
lørdag den 26. maj 2012
Løbet af en dag
Another ringing day at the Gedser Ringing
Station. The number of captures continue to be low, but the weather
conditions are going to change, so maybe we'll have some surprises in
the next days.
The results from today were the following (retraps between parentheses):
Stenpikker Oenanthe oenanthe - 1 (0) - first of the year
Havesanger Sylvia borin - 2 (1)
Tornsanger Sylvia communis - 5 (2)
Gaerdesanger Sylvia curruca - 2 (0)
Kaesanger Acrocephalus palustris - 1 (0)
Gulbug Hippolais icterina - 2 (1)
Gransanger Phylloscopus collybita - 2 (0)
Blamejse Cyanestes caeruleus - 1 (0)
Rødrygget Tornskade Lanius collurio - 1 (0)
Grønirisk Chloris chloris - 2 (0)
Tornirisk Carduelis cannabina - 2 (0)
Total - 21 (4)
The results from today were the following (retraps between parentheses):
Stenpikker Oenanthe oenanthe - 1 (0) - first of the year
Havesanger Sylvia borin - 2 (1)
Tornsanger Sylvia communis - 5 (2)
Gaerdesanger Sylvia curruca - 2 (0)
Kaesanger Acrocephalus palustris - 1 (0)
Gulbug Hippolais icterina - 2 (1)
Gransanger Phylloscopus collybita - 2 (0)
Blamejse Cyanestes caeruleus - 1 (0)
Rødrygget Tornskade Lanius collurio - 1 (0)
Grønirisk Chloris chloris - 2 (0)
Tornirisk Carduelis cannabina - 2 (0)
Total - 21 (4)
fredag den 25. maj 2012
Lidt bedre
Today the number of birds capture have improved a little. However there was any special specie to make special reference.
The Sylvia Warblers finally start to appear with brood patch.
Once againd, the results were the following (retraps between parentheses):
Rødhals Erithacus rubecula - 1 (0)
Havesanger Sylvia borin - 5 (1)
Munk Sylvia atricapilla - 2 (0)
Tornsanger Sylvia communis - 11 (1)
Gaerdesanger Sylvia curruca - 1 (1)
Kaesanger Acrocephalus palustris - 1 (0)
Gulbug Hippolais icterina - 3 (3)
Løvsanger Phylloscopus trochilus - 5 (0)
Gransanger Phylloscopus collybita - 1 (0)
Gra Fluesnapper Muscicapa striata - 2 (0)
Total - 32 (6)
The Sylvia Warblers finally start to appear with brood patch.
Once againd, the results were the following (retraps between parentheses):
Rødhals Erithacus rubecula - 1 (0)
Havesanger Sylvia borin - 5 (1)
Munk Sylvia atricapilla - 2 (0)
Tornsanger Sylvia communis - 11 (1)
Gaerdesanger Sylvia curruca - 1 (1)
Kaesanger Acrocephalus palustris - 1 (0)
Gulbug Hippolais icterina - 3 (3)
Løvsanger Phylloscopus trochilus - 5 (0)
Gransanger Phylloscopus collybita - 1 (0)
Gra Fluesnapper Muscicapa striata - 2 (0)
Total - 32 (6)
torsdag den 24. maj 2012
I samme lag
Another quiet day. The most amazing thing that happened was just a Black Kite (Sort Glente Milvus migrans) flying to South.
The results were the following (retraps between parentheses):
Landsvale Hirundo rustica - 1 (0)
Rødstjert Phoenicurus phoenicurus - 1 (0)
Jernspurv Prunella modularis - 0 (1)
Havesanger Sylvia borin - 3 (1)
Tornsanger Sylvia communis - 4 (2)
Gaerdesanger Sylvia curruca - 1 (0)
Gulbug Hippolais icterina - 1 (2)
Løvsanger Phylloscopus trochilus - 3 (0)
Skovsanger Phylloscopus sibilatrix - 1 (0) - e este PQT tb?
Gra Fluesnapper Muscicapa striata - 1 (0)
Karmindomap Carpodacus erythrinus - 1 (0)
Total - 17 (6)
The results were the following (retraps between parentheses):
Landsvale Hirundo rustica - 1 (0)
Rødstjert Phoenicurus phoenicurus - 1 (0)
Jernspurv Prunella modularis - 0 (1)
Havesanger Sylvia borin - 3 (1)
Tornsanger Sylvia communis - 4 (2)
Gaerdesanger Sylvia curruca - 1 (0)
Gulbug Hippolais icterina - 1 (2)
Løvsanger Phylloscopus trochilus - 3 (0)
Skovsanger Phylloscopus sibilatrix - 1 (0) - e este PQT tb?
Gra Fluesnapper Muscicapa striata - 1 (0)
Karmindomap Carpodacus erythrinus - 1 (0)
Total - 17 (6)
onsdag den 23. maj 2012
Despite another day with just a few captures, today there was a good number of captured species.
As usual, the results were the following (retraps between parentheses):
Jernspurv Prunella modularis - 1 (0)
Nattergal Luscinia luscinia- 1 (0)
Tornsanger Sylvia communis - 3 (2)
Graeshoppesanger Locustella naevia - 1 (0) - first of the year
Kaesanger Acrocephalus palustris - 1 (0) - first of the year
Gulbug Hippolais icterina - 1 (1)
Gaerdesmutte Troglodytes troglodytes - 1 (0)
Gra Fluesnapper Muscicapa striata - 1 (0)
Bogfinke Fringilla coelebs - 1 (0)
Karmindomap Carpodacus erythrinus - 4 (0)
Gulspurv Emberiza citrinella - 1 (0)
Total - 16 (3) - 2 new species for the present year
As usual, the results were the following (retraps between parentheses):
Jernspurv Prunella modularis - 1 (0)
Nattergal Luscinia luscinia- 1 (0)
Tornsanger Sylvia communis - 3 (2)
Graeshoppesanger Locustella naevia - 1 (0) - first of the year
Kaesanger Acrocephalus palustris - 1 (0) - first of the year
Gulbug Hippolais icterina - 1 (1)
Gaerdesmutte Troglodytes troglodytes - 1 (0)
Gra Fluesnapper Muscicapa striata - 1 (0)
Bogfinke Fringilla coelebs - 1 (0)
Karmindomap Carpodacus erythrinus - 4 (0)
Gulspurv Emberiza citrinella - 1 (0)
Total - 16 (3) - 2 new species for the present year
tirsdag den 22. maj 2012
Stockholm og fuglekikkeri
What a wonderful day. During the morning, few birds again. However there was a one foreign control.
The ringing results were (retraps between parentheses):
Jernspurv Prunella modularis - 0 (1)
Nattergal Luscinia luscinia- 1 (0)
Havesanger Sylvia borin - 2 (1)
Tornsanger Sylvia communis - 1 (0)
Gaerdesanger Sylvia curruca - 1 (1)
Gulbug Hippolais icterina - 0 (1)
Løvsanger Phylloscopus trochilus - 1 (0)
Gransanger Phylloscopus collybita - 1 (1) - Control from Stockholm
Musvit Parus major - 1 (0)
Staer Sturnus vulgaris - 6 (0) - nestlings
Bogfinke Fringilla coelebs - 1 (0)
Karmindomap Carpodacus erythrinus - 3 (0)
Total - 18 (5)
During the afternoon I was gone with Gert and Louis to do some birdwatching.
I was able to see a few new species to me (mainly ducks), so I really have to thanks Gert and Louis for the great opportunity they provided me.
The ringing results were (retraps between parentheses):
Jernspurv Prunella modularis - 0 (1)
Nattergal Luscinia luscinia- 1 (0)
Havesanger Sylvia borin - 2 (1)
Tornsanger Sylvia communis - 1 (0)
Gaerdesanger Sylvia curruca - 1 (1)
Gulbug Hippolais icterina - 0 (1)
Løvsanger Phylloscopus trochilus - 1 (0)
Gransanger Phylloscopus collybita - 1 (1) - Control from Stockholm
Musvit Parus major - 1 (0)
Staer Sturnus vulgaris - 6 (0) - nestlings
Bogfinke Fringilla coelebs - 1 (0)
Karmindomap Carpodacus erythrinus - 3 (0)
Total - 18 (5)
During the afternoon I was gone with Gert and Louis to do some birdwatching.
I was able to see a few new species to me (mainly ducks), so I really have to thanks Gert and Louis for the great opportunity they provided me.
mandag den 21. maj 2012
Stadig langsomt
Another slow ringing day. Just 10 more captures. Despite the few captures, we have been able to put one more data logger.
Rødhals Erithacus rubecula - 1 (0)
Havesanger Sylvia borin - 1 (0)
Tornsanger Sylvia communis - 2 (2)
Gulbug Hippolais icterina - 2 (1)
Løvsanger Phylloscopus trochilus - 1 (0)
Gransanger Phylloscopus collybita - 2 (0)
Blamejse Cyanistes caeruleus - 0 (1)
Tornirisk Carduelis cannabina - 1 (0)
Total - 10 (4)
Rødhals Erithacus rubecula - 1 (0)
Havesanger Sylvia borin - 1 (0)
Tornsanger Sylvia communis - 2 (2)
Gulbug Hippolais icterina - 2 (1)
Løvsanger Phylloscopus trochilus - 1 (0)
Gransanger Phylloscopus collybita - 2 (0)
Blamejse Cyanistes caeruleus - 0 (1)
Tornirisk Carduelis cannabina - 1 (0)
Total - 10 (4)
søndag den 20. maj 2012
Gøg og logger
Today there were less than 20 birds again. However one very good surprise in the raptor net, a cuckoo.
The results were (retraps between parentheses):
Gøg Cuculus canorus - 1 (0)
Jernspurv Prunella modularis - 1 (0)
Havesanger Sylvia borin - 3 (2)
Tornsanger Sylvia communis - 2 (3)
Gulbug Hippolais icterina - 0 (4)
Løvsanger Phylloscopus trochilus - 10 (0)
Gransanger Phylloscopus collybita - 1 (0)
Gra Fluesnapper Muscicapa striata - 1 (0)
Total - 18 (9)
Despite the low number of birds, we have put two more loggers in two Icterine warblers.
The results were (retraps between parentheses):
Gøg Cuculus canorus - 1 (0)
Jernspurv Prunella modularis - 1 (0)
Havesanger Sylvia borin - 3 (2)
Tornsanger Sylvia communis - 2 (3)
Gulbug Hippolais icterina - 0 (4)
Løvsanger Phylloscopus trochilus - 10 (0)
Gransanger Phylloscopus collybita - 1 (0)
Gra Fluesnapper Muscicapa striata - 1 (0)
Total - 18 (9)
Despite the low number of birds, we have put two more loggers in two Icterine warblers.
lørdag den 19. maj 2012
Hvor er fuglene?
Very few birds again, even with almost no wind, during all morning.
The results were (retraps between parentheses):
Landsvale Hirundo rustica - 1 (0) -first capture of the year
Nattergal Luscinia luscinia - 1 (0)
Havesanger Sylvia borin - 2 (0)
Tornsanger Sylvia communis - 5 (2)
Gulbug Hippolais icterina - 0 (1)
Løvsanger Phylloscopus trochilus - 1 (0)
Staer Sturnus vulgaris - 1 (0)
Bogfinke Fringilla coelebs - 2 (0)
Grønirisk Chloris chloris - 1 (0)
Total - 14 (3)

The results were (retraps between parentheses):
Landsvale Hirundo rustica - 1 (0) -first capture of the year
Nattergal Luscinia luscinia - 1 (0)
Havesanger Sylvia borin - 2 (0)
Tornsanger Sylvia communis - 5 (2)
Gulbug Hippolais icterina - 0 (1)
Løvsanger Phylloscopus trochilus - 1 (0)
Staer Sturnus vulgaris - 1 (0)
Bogfinke Fringilla coelebs - 2 (0)
Grønirisk Chloris chloris - 1 (0)
Total - 14 (3)
fredag den 18. maj 2012
Kroghage, når den er bedst: I dag RØDRYGGET SVALE plus det løse!
Varme forårsvinde blæser i dag den 18. maj fra sydøst, og med dem kommer der fine ting og sager til Kroghage:
Først en Sydlig Nattergal, fundet af Ole og Ann i morges. Det skabte en del trafik af ornitologer, der også kunne støve en næsten tavs Græshoppesanger op sammen med 1-2 Karmindompapper.
Clou'et kom ca. kl.19.30, da Simon lettere ophidset - i forsøget på at finde den sydlige nattergal - kunne berette om en sandsynlig, næsten sikker Rødrygget Svale! Med en ny telefon uden adresser kunne han kun ringe til Gert, der lod rygtet gå videre, bl.a. til undertegnede.
5 minutter senere var jeg på pletten og fik en længe ventet DK-art :-) Kort efter ankom Gert og Louis, og Per Bo måtte sydpå fra Marielyst for at få sit årskryds.
Halvanden time efter at Simon så fuglen første gang, nåede Brian og hustru frem på vej hjem fra en Jyllandstur, men der gik 15 nervepirrende minutter, inden den viste sig igen, så de var glade!
Fed art, der var en ny Danmarksart for de fleste af os.
Men aftenen var - kl. 21.35 - endnu ikke slut rent fuglemæssigt, for lige inden vi satte os ind i bilerne, hørte Louis m.fl. en Lille Fluesnapper, både med kald og lidt sang!
Foto og blog: Hans Lind
Først en Sydlig Nattergal, fundet af Ole og Ann i morges. Det skabte en del trafik af ornitologer, der også kunne støve en næsten tavs Græshoppesanger op sammen med 1-2 Karmindompapper.
Clou'et kom ca. kl.19.30, da Simon lettere ophidset - i forsøget på at finde den sydlige nattergal - kunne berette om en sandsynlig, næsten sikker Rødrygget Svale! Med en ny telefon uden adresser kunne han kun ringe til Gert, der lod rygtet gå videre, bl.a. til undertegnede.
5 minutter senere var jeg på pletten og fik en længe ventet DK-art :-) Kort efter ankom Gert og Louis, og Per Bo måtte sydpå fra Marielyst for at få sit årskryds.
Halvanden time efter at Simon så fuglen første gang, nåede Brian og hustru frem på vej hjem fra en Jyllandstur, men der gik 15 nervepirrende minutter, inden den viste sig igen, så de var glade!
Fed art, der var en ny Danmarksart for de fleste af os.
Men aftenen var - kl. 21.35 - endnu ikke slut rent fuglemæssigt, for lige inden vi satte os ind i bilerne, hørte Louis m.fl. en Lille Fluesnapper, både med kald og lidt sang!
Foto og blog: Hans Lind
Det bliver bedre
Today was a better day than the previous. However I still was expecting something more...maybe tomorrow.
Anyway, it was not a bad day, with the following results (retraps between parentheses):
Jernspurv Prunella modularis - 0 (1)
Rødhals Erithacus rubecula - 1 (0)
Blahals Luscinia svecica (svecica ?) - 1 (0) - first of the year
Solsort Turdus merula - 1 (0)
Havesanger Sylvia borin - 12 (1)
Munk Sylvia atricapilla - 2 (0)
Tornsanger Sylvia communis - 5 (2)
Gaerdesanger Sylvia curruca - 4 (2)
Gulbug Hippolais icterina - 3 (0)
Løvsanger Phylloscopus trochilus - 1 (0)
Musvit Parus major - 0 (3)
Rødrygget Tornskade Lanius collurio - 1 (0)
Staer Sturnus vulgaris - 1 (0)
Grønirisk Chloris chloris - 1 (0)
Total - 33 (9)
Anyway, it was not a bad day, with the following results (retraps between parentheses):
Jernspurv Prunella modularis - 0 (1)
Rødhals Erithacus rubecula - 1 (0)
Blahals Luscinia svecica (svecica ?) - 1 (0) - first of the year
Solsort Turdus merula - 1 (0)
Havesanger Sylvia borin - 12 (1)
Munk Sylvia atricapilla - 2 (0)
Tornsanger Sylvia communis - 5 (2)
Gaerdesanger Sylvia curruca - 4 (2)
Gulbug Hippolais icterina - 3 (0)
Løvsanger Phylloscopus trochilus - 1 (0)
Musvit Parus major - 0 (3)
Rødrygget Tornskade Lanius collurio - 1 (0)
Staer Sturnus vulgaris - 1 (0)
Grønirisk Chloris chloris - 1 (0)
Total - 33 (9)
Female Luscinia svecica (likely svecica ) |
torsdag den 17. maj 2012
Blæsende, få fugle
The morning is just to windy. I pondered even not open the nets.
During the morning just the following results (retraps between parentheses):
Skovpiper Anthus trivialis - 1 (0)
Solsort Turdus merula - 0 (1)
Havesanger Sylvia borin - 1 (0)
Tornsanger Sylvia communis - 2 (2)
Gaerdesanger Sylvia curruca - 0 (1)
Løvsanger Phylloscopus trochilus- 1 (0)
Stær Sturnus vulgaris - 0 (1)
Bogfinke Fringilla coelebs - 1 (0)
Tornirisk Carduelis cannabina - 3 (0)
Total - 9 (5)
The weather previsions for this night are favorable to migrantion. Let's see how it will be tomorrow.
P.S. - Sessão à PBG (just a small message to Portugal).
During the morning just the following results (retraps between parentheses):
Skovpiper Anthus trivialis - 1 (0)
Solsort Turdus merula - 0 (1)
Havesanger Sylvia borin - 1 (0)
Tornsanger Sylvia communis - 2 (2)
Gaerdesanger Sylvia curruca - 0 (1)
Løvsanger Phylloscopus trochilus- 1 (0)
Stær Sturnus vulgaris - 0 (1)
Bogfinke Fringilla coelebs - 1 (0)
Tornirisk Carduelis cannabina - 3 (0)
Total - 9 (5)
The weather previsions for this night are favorable to migrantion. Let's see how it will be tomorrow.
P.S. - Sessão à PBG (just a small message to Portugal).
onsdag den 16. maj 2012
Stadig få fangster
The night was just to rainy. New migrants weren't realy expected. It was a calm morning with the following results (retraps between parentheses):
Havesanger Sylvia borin - 0 (3)
Tornsanger Sylvia communis - 6 (2)
Gransanger Phylloscopus collybita - 0 (1)
Gulbug Hippolais icterina - 0 (1)
Broget Fluesnapper Ficedula hypoleuca - 1 (0)
Staer Sturnus vulgaris - 1 (0)
Skovspurv Passer montanus - 1 (0)
Tornirisk Carduelis cannabina - 1 (2)
Stillits Carduelis carduelis- 4 (0)
Grønirisk Chloris chloris - 1 (0)
Total - 17 (9)
Hopefuly better days are coming
Havesanger Sylvia borin - 0 (3)
Tornsanger Sylvia communis - 6 (2)
Gransanger Phylloscopus collybita - 0 (1)
Gulbug Hippolais icterina - 0 (1)
Broget Fluesnapper Ficedula hypoleuca - 1 (0)
Staer Sturnus vulgaris - 1 (0)
Skovspurv Passer montanus - 1 (0)
Tornirisk Carduelis cannabina - 1 (2)
Stillits Carduelis carduelis- 4 (0)
Grønirisk Chloris chloris - 1 (0)
Total - 17 (9)
Hopefuly better days are coming
Stillits Carduelis carduelis - Foto by LPS |
tirsdag den 15. maj 2012
kvalitet og ikke kvantitet
Today Joe and Lucy have left the observation center during the morning. Now I will continue the ringing sessions.
Despite only 17 captures and 2 recaptures, with all the nets open, it was a very good day. The results were the followings (retraps between parentheses):
Jernspurv Prunella modularis - 0 (1)
Sydlig Nattergal Luscinia megarhynchos - 1 (0) - first of the year (and also a new specie for Hans Lind)
Nattergal Luscinia luscinia- 1 (0)
Sortstrubet Bynkegugl Saxicola torquatus rubicola - 1 (0) - first of the year
Havesanger Sylvia borin - 3 (0)
Tornsanger Sylvia communis - 5 (0)
Gransanger Phylloscopus collybita - 1 (0)
Musvit Parus major - 0 (1)
Bogfinke Fringilla coelebs - 1 (0)
Tornirisk Carduelis cannabina - 1 (0)
Grønirisk Chloris chloris - 2 (0)
Karmindomap Carpodacus erythrinus - 1 (0) - first of the year
Total - 17 (2) - 3 new species for the present year
(Luís Pascoal da Silva)
Despite only 17 captures and 2 recaptures, with all the nets open, it was a very good day. The results were the followings (retraps between parentheses):
Jernspurv Prunella modularis - 0 (1)
Sydlig Nattergal Luscinia megarhynchos - 1 (0) - first of the year (and also a new specie for Hans Lind)
Nattergal Luscinia luscinia- 1 (0)
Sortstrubet Bynkegugl Saxicola torquatus rubicola - 1 (0) - first of the year
Havesanger Sylvia borin - 3 (0)
Tornsanger Sylvia communis - 5 (0)
Gransanger Phylloscopus collybita - 1 (0)
Musvit Parus major - 0 (1)
Bogfinke Fringilla coelebs - 1 (0)
Tornirisk Carduelis cannabina - 1 (0)
Grønirisk Chloris chloris - 2 (0)
Karmindomap Carpodacus erythrinus - 1 (0) - first of the year
Total - 17 (2) - 3 new species for the present year
(Luís Pascoal da Silva)
Karmindompapper kommer retur med ny viden
Sidste sommer blev i alt 10 karmindompapper indfanget og
mærket med geolys-loggere på Gedser Fuglestation og på Kroghage.
I disse dage vender fuglene tilbage fra Asien til Gedser-området for at yngle, og med sig har de logger-mærkede fugle vigtig ny information om deres trækruter og overvintringsområde. Det er imidlertid en forudsætning at de logger-mærkede fugle fanges igen, for at vi kan få ny viden om karmindompappens træk og overvintring.
Derfor vil vi være meget taknemmelige, hvis alle der færdes i Gedser-området vil gøre en ekstra indsats for at lytte og spejde efter karmin-dompap i de kommende måneder. Man kan identificere en logger-fugl ved en blå plastic-ring, der sidder om det ene ben (+ en metal-ring om det andet ben). På ryggen sidder data-loggeren, men den kan være overraskende svær at se.
Vi vil meget gerne have hjælp fra lokale i Gedser-området, besøgende ornitologer m.fl. til at lokalisere nogle af de logger-mærkede karmindompapper, så vi kan få spændende ny viden om områdets yngletrækfugle. Karmindompappens sang kan høres hér..
Hvis I ser en logger-mærket karmindompap, kontakt da Rune Tjørnløv tlf: 24638635 eller Hans Lind tlf: 61671843 med det samme.
På forhånd tak for hjælpen.
v./ Rune Skjold Tjørnløv
Ringmærkningsleder og projektkoordinator
Gedser Fuglestation
I disse dage vender fuglene tilbage fra Asien til Gedser-området for at yngle, og med sig har de logger-mærkede fugle vigtig ny information om deres trækruter og overvintringsområde. Det er imidlertid en forudsætning at de logger-mærkede fugle fanges igen, for at vi kan få ny viden om karmindompappens træk og overvintring.
Derfor vil vi være meget taknemmelige, hvis alle der færdes i Gedser-området vil gøre en ekstra indsats for at lytte og spejde efter karmin-dompap i de kommende måneder. Man kan identificere en logger-fugl ved en blå plastic-ring, der sidder om det ene ben (+ en metal-ring om det andet ben). På ryggen sidder data-loggeren, men den kan være overraskende svær at se.
Vi vil meget gerne have hjælp fra lokale i Gedser-området, besøgende ornitologer m.fl. til at lokalisere nogle af de logger-mærkede karmindompapper, så vi kan få spændende ny viden om områdets yngletrækfugle. Karmindompappens sang kan høres hér..
Hvis I ser en logger-mærket karmindompap, kontakt da Rune Tjørnløv tlf: 24638635 eller Hans Lind tlf: 61671843 med det samme.
På forhånd tak for hjælpen.
v./ Rune Skjold Tjørnløv
Ringmærkningsleder og projektkoordinator
Gedser Fuglestation
mandag den 14. maj 2012
Rødrygget Tornskade
Today was our last day at GFU and luckily we got to see one more new species before we leave - a Red-backed Shrike (Rødrygget Tornskade) - the first ringed for the year. Another slow day all up; just 14 new birds and a few controls, one of which was an Icterine Warbler (Gulbug) ringed in July 2007.
Tomorrow morning we leave for Copenhagen airport (not before ringing a few more birds) and then on to UK. We've had a fantastic time working here at the fuglestation and we've caught some great species in the past six weeks! Thanks to everyone here for making us feel so welcome and for giving us this great opportunity to ring birds in Denmark. Hopefully we'll be back in a year or two!
Joe & Lucy
Tomorrow morning we leave for Copenhagen airport (not before ringing a few more birds) and then on to UK. We've had a fantastic time working here at the fuglestation and we've caught some great species in the past six weeks! Thanks to everyone here for making us feel so welcome and for giving us this great opportunity to ring birds in Denmark. Hopefully we'll be back in a year or two!
Joe & Lucy
Red-backed Shrike - Joe Krawiec |
søndag den 13. maj 2012
Open House
This morning members of the public were invited to come to GFU to see
bird ringing demonstrations, look around the garden and to meet the
staff. We had a great turn out with around 90 people (including about 30
children) arriving between 07:00 and 12:00.
Despite the great weather the turn out for birds was not so good, just 20 individuals ringed, but this was still enough for us to be able to show the guests how birds are caught and ringed. Also, early this morning before everyone arrived we caught two new species for the year; a Thrush Nightingale (Nattergal) and a Reed Warbler (Rørsanger).
Joe & Lucy
Despite the great weather the turn out for birds was not so good, just 20 individuals ringed, but this was still enough for us to be able to show the guests how birds are caught and ringed. Also, early this morning before everyone arrived we caught two new species for the year; a Thrush Nightingale (Nattergal) and a Reed Warbler (Rørsanger).
Joe & Lucy
Reed Warbler - Lucy Dadour |
Thrush Nightingale - Lucy Dadour |
Open House at GFU - Lucy Dadour |
Hans demonstrating bird ringing - Lucy Dadour |
fredag den 11. maj 2012
Gulbugen er her
We had a new migrant in the nets today; two Icterine Warblers (Gulbug)
both with rings. The first was ringed by Jesper in July 2010 and the
second by Hans in July 2009 (aged 2k+). We also had a few more Common
Whitethroats with old rings, the oldest ringed by Rune in July 2010.
Very few new birds again as the poor weather continues; just 14 today including the fourth Pied flycatcher (Broget Fluesnapper) for the year and our 2nd, 3rd and 4th Garden Warblers (Havesanger).
Joe, Lucy & Luis
Very few new birds again as the poor weather continues; just 14 today including the fourth Pied flycatcher (Broget Fluesnapper) for the year and our 2nd, 3rd and 4th Garden Warblers (Havesanger).
Joe, Lucy & Luis
Icterine Warbler ringed in July 2009 - Joe Krawiec |
torsdag den 10. maj 2012
Unlucky 13
Another painfully slow day, this time without the excitement of an extreme rarity. Just 13 new birds ringed and three controls. Interestingly though all three re-trapped birds were Common Whitethroats (Tornsanger) ringed in July of last year.
Joe, Lucy & Luis
Joe, Lucy & Luis
onsdag den 9. maj 2012
What a week we're having! This morning we caught the forth Golden Oriole
(Priol) ringed at GFU! It was caught in the net just behind the house,
Luis only just caught it as it was about to get out of the net.
Aside from the Oriole not a very productive day, just 18 new birds including the second Spotted Flycatcher (Grå Fluesnapper) ringed for the year.
Joe, Lucy & Luis
Aside from the Oriole not a very productive day, just 18 new birds including the second Spotted Flycatcher (Grå Fluesnapper) ringed for the year.
Joe, Lucy & Luis
Golden Oriole - Joe Krawiec |
Oriolus oriolus - Joe Krawiec |
Priol - Joe Krawiec |
tirsdag den 8. maj 2012
Slow day again...
Very few birds again today, just 21 caught and 17 ringed.
Another female Whinchat did turn up in the nets, the third for the year. Other than that nothing out of the ordinary.
Cloudy again tonight and high winds from the south tomorrow, doesn't look promising!
Joe, Lucy & Luis
Another female Whinchat did turn up in the nets, the third for the year. Other than that nothing out of the ordinary.
Cloudy again tonight and high winds from the south tomorrow, doesn't look promising!
Joe, Lucy & Luis
mandag den 7. maj 2012
Well the new nets paid off, this morning we managed to catch the fourth Skylark (Sanglærke) ringed at GFU and the first to be caught in the spring.
It's just as well that we did because the rest of the nets weren't catching, 12 hours worth of netting only resulted in 15 new birds!
We also saw a rather large Polecat (Mustela putorius) bounding it's way into the front garden early this morning.
Joe & Lucy
It's just as well that we did because the rest of the nets weren't catching, 12 hours worth of netting only resulted in 15 new birds!
We also saw a rather large Polecat (Mustela putorius) bounding it's way into the front garden early this morning.
Joe & Lucy
Skylark number 4 for GFU - Joe Krawiec |
Alauda arvensis - Joe Krawiec |
søndag den 6. maj 2012
Phylloscopus inornatus!
A very exciting bird turned up in the net this morning, a Yellow-browed Warbler (Hvidbrynet Løvsanger)!
This was only the eighth Yellow-browed Warbler ringed at Gedser and the first to be caught in spring. Also the first record of this species in Denmark for the year!
The breeding range of this species ends just West of the Ural Mountains and the birds usually winter in India, southern China and Malaysia. However a very small number winter in Europe ever year. This bird was one of these few making it's way back East for summer.
After all this excitement we realised that we weren't catching anything else - just 22 new birds by 10:00 so we closed up at the end of the standard period. This afternoon we put up a line of nets in the field at the front of the house, winds are very low tomorrow so hopefully we'll catch some wagtails.
This was only the eighth Yellow-browed Warbler ringed at Gedser and the first to be caught in spring. Also the first record of this species in Denmark for the year!
The breeding range of this species ends just West of the Ural Mountains and the birds usually winter in India, southern China and Malaysia. However a very small number winter in Europe ever year. This bird was one of these few making it's way back East for summer.
After all this excitement we realised that we weren't catching anything else - just 22 new birds by 10:00 so we closed up at the end of the standard period. This afternoon we put up a line of nets in the field at the front of the house, winds are very low tomorrow so hopefully we'll catch some wagtails.
Hvid Løvsanger - Joe Krawiec |
Close up - Joe Krawiec |
lørdag den 5. maj 2012
Skovsanger... Fluesnapper...
Two new species for the year this morning; a Wood Warbler (Skovsanger) and a Spotted Flycatcher (Grå Fluesnapper)!
We caught 47 birds in total (36 new) the usual May assortment including a Blackbird (Solsort) with a Danish ring not in our database.
That's all for today. The weather doesn't look too bad for tomorrow so hopefully we'll get some more migrants.
Joe & Lucy
We caught 47 birds in total (36 new) the usual May assortment including a Blackbird (Solsort) with a Danish ring not in our database.
That's all for today. The weather doesn't look too bad for tomorrow so hopefully we'll get some more migrants.
Joe & Lucy
Spotted Flycatcher (Grå Fluesnapper)- Joe Krawiec |
Xanthorhoe spadicearia - Smalfeltet båndmåler. Attracted to the mercury lamp early this morning - Joe Krawiec |
fredag den 4. maj 2012
New ringer at GFU!
There were 54 birds today (46 new) and a few interesting species. Another new one today, a Garden Warbler (Havesanger) along with the second Whinchat (Bynkefugl) for the year.
In a repeat of yesterday we also caught another Tree Sparrow (Skovspurv) and a Starling (Stær) the ninth and eighth for the year.
An interesting recapture - we caught a Lesser Whitethroat (Gærdesanger) ringed by our very own Rune Skjold Tjørnløv on the 04/05/2011, exactly 12 months ago today!
On top of all this we've had some very interesting observations this morning thanks to the ever vigilant bird watchers staying with us at the moment. In or around the garden today were; a Ortolan Bunting (Hortulan) a Golden Oriole (Priol), a Serin (Gulirisk) and Luis heard a Greater Spotted Woodpecker (Stor Flagspæette).
A bit windy tomorrow but it's in the right direction!
Joe & Lucy
Meet Luis - the new ringer at GFU from Portugal |
Second Whinchat for the year, a female this time - Joe Krawiec |
First Garden Warbler for the year - Joe Krawiec |
This post is dedicated to all the wonderful people at ENV Australia - especially you Jamie. We love you Jamie.
torsdag den 3. maj 2012
A Starling and a Sparrow
A fairly average day today, 51 birds caught (34 new) of 14 species
including a Starling (Stær), a Tree Sparrow (Skovspurv) a Firecrest
(Rødtoppet Fuglekonge) and a Pied Flycatcher (Broget Fluesnapper).
The species diversity in the garden has changed quite a lot since we arrived here a month ago, the Robins (Rødhals), Dunnocks (Jernspurv) and Wrens (Gærdesmutte) have been replaced by Redstarts (Rødstjert), Blackcaps (Munk), Willow Warblers (Løvsanger) and Whitethroats (Gærdesanger/Tornsanger).
Luis from Portugal will arrive tonight. He will continue the ringing here at GFU when we leave for England on the 15th.
Joe & Lucy
The species diversity in the garden has changed quite a lot since we arrived here a month ago, the Robins (Rødhals), Dunnocks (Jernspurv) and Wrens (Gærdesmutte) have been replaced by Redstarts (Rødstjert), Blackcaps (Munk), Willow Warblers (Løvsanger) and Whitethroats (Gærdesanger/Tornsanger).
Luis from Portugal will arrive tonight. He will continue the ringing here at GFU when we leave for England on the 15th.
Joe & Lucy
A Eurasian Tree Sparrow. This one is just the 7th for the year - Joe Krawiec |
Things are finally getting a bit greener! - Joe Krawiec |
onsdag den 2. maj 2012
Not many today
Far too windy this morning, but the direction was OK so we managed to find just enough nets for standard ringing. Just 17 birds, (13 new) mostly Willow Warblers (Løvsanger) and Lesser Whitethroats (Tornsanger).
The weather tomorrow looks much better, clear tonight with some cloud in the morning with low winds, so hopefully lots of birds.
Joe & Lucy
The weather tomorrow looks much better, clear tonight with some cloud in the morning with low winds, so hopefully lots of birds.
Joe & Lucy
tirsdag den 1. maj 2012
3 Klasse and Pied Flycatchers
Today we were joined by 3 Klasse from Nykøbing Falster Realskole. Unfortunately the weather was against us and we only caught 20 birds this morning (14 new). Still the children got to see Chiffchaffs (Gransanger), Willow Warblers (Løvsanger), a Whitethroat (Tornsanger), Redstarts (Rødstjert) and two new arrivals, a pair of Pied Flycatchers (Broget Fluesnapper)- one male and one female.
On the plus side the small number of birds meant that we could spend more time showing the children what goes on at GFU; mist netting, applying bands, taking measurements etc. They all seemed really interested and excited to see birds in the hand - and we were very impressed with their English skills.
Joe & Lucy
On the plus side the small number of birds meant that we could spend more time showing the children what goes on at GFU; mist netting, applying bands, taking measurements etc. They all seemed really interested and excited to see birds in the hand - and we were very impressed with their English skills.
Joe & Lucy
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Hans demonstrating how to weight a bird - Gert Jeppesen |
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3 Klasse at GFU - Gert Jeppesen |
First Pied Flycatcher of the year - Joe Krawiec |
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