torsdag den 31. maj 2012

Vi søger sjældenheder

Today wasn't a bad day. A higher capture rate when compared to the mean of the last week. The number of species was also good, but I start to miss something more unusual.
The results from today were the following (retraps between parentheses):

Hvid Vipstjert Motacilla alba - 1 (0) - first of the year
Rødstjert Phoenicurus phoenicurus - 1 (0)
Havesanger Sylvia borin - 1 (0)  
Tornsanger Sylvia communis - 5 (0)
Røsanger Acrocephalus scirpaceus- 1 (0)
Gulbug Hippolais icterina - 2 (2)
Løvsanger Phylloscopus trochilus - 7 (0)
Gaerdesmutte Troglodytes troglodytes - 1 (0)
Gra Fluesnapper Muscicapa striata - 1 (0)
Broget Fluesnapper Ficedula hypoleuca - 1 (0)
Musvit Parus major - 1 (0)
Rødrygget Tornskade Lanius collurio - 1 (0) -  first female of the year
Bogfinke Fringilla coelebs - 3 (0)
Grønirisk Chloris chloris - 1 (0)
Tornirisk Carduelis cannabina - 0 (1)   
Stillits Carduelis carduelis- 3 (0) 

Total 30 (3) - one new species for the present year


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