torsdag den 24. maj 2012

I samme lag

Another quiet day. The most amazing thing that happened was just a Black Kite (Sort Glente Milvus migrans) flying to South.
The results were the following (retraps between parentheses):

Landsvale Hirundo rustica - 1 (0)
Rødstjert Phoenicurus phoenicurus - 1 (0)
Jernspurv Prunella modularis - 0 (1)
Havesanger Sylvia borin - 3 (1)  
Tornsanger Sylvia communis - 4 (2)
Gaerdesanger Sylvia curruca - 1 (0)
Gulbug Hippolais icterina - 1 (2)
Løvsanger Phylloscopus trochilus - 3 (0)
Skovsanger Phylloscopus sibilatrix - 1 (0) -  e este PQT tb?
Gra Fluesnapper Muscicapa striata - 1 (0)
Karmindomap Carpodacus erythrinus - 1 (0) 

Total - 17 (6) 


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