onsdag den 13. juni 2012

Perfect Day

In the morning, finally a decent number of birds trapped. However (I need always to complain about something), a small flock of starlings in the nets, isn't one of my favorite things, to happen while ringing.
In the afternoon, I go with a some of my new danish friends to Hans' house, to dinner and watch the football match. In the end I was the only one, of the seven guys, happy with the final score :) I wonder "why will that be ?"...
 The results from today were the following (retraps between parentheses):

Natugle Strix aluco - 0 (1) - retrap from 2003
Skovpiper Anthus trivialis - 1 (0) 
Rødhals Erithacus rubecula - 0 (1)
Havesanger Sylvia borin - 1 (1)
Munk Sylvia atricapilla - 3 (0)
Tornsanger Sylvia communis - 6 (3)
 Gaerdesanger Sylvia curruca - 3 (0)
Gulbug Hippolais icterina - 2 (0)
Skovsanger Phylloscopus sibilatrix - 1 (0)
Gransanger Phylloscopus collybita - 1 (0)
Staer Sturnus vulgaris - 14 (0)
Bogfinke Fringilla coelebs - 1 (0)
Tornirisk Carduelis cannabina - 1 (1)
Grønirisk Chloris chloris - 1 (0) 
Karmindomap Carpodacus erythrinus - 2 (0)

Total - 37 (7)


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