onsdag den 29. maj 2013

A tiny greenish surprise.

This morning was very windy with gust of 11m/s and wind from Northeast. The ringing session started at 4:00 and I did not have any bird until the 7:30, and actually, all day has been very poor in number of ringed birds with only 11. But when I was extracting the first birds I found a tiny surprise: it was a Greenish Warbler!

I was happy to have some rare bird; however I turned happier when Hans told me that this one is the first Greenish warbler ringed at Gedser Fuglestation.

Sand Martin: 1
Icterine Warbler: 1
Lesser Whitethroat: 1
Common Whitethroat: 2
Greenish Warbler: 1
Willow Warbler: 2
Pied Flycatcher: 1
Red-backed Shrike: 1


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