søndag den 5. maj 2013

Serin in the garden

At around 6 in the morning when I went back from the lab I heard  a very familiar song to me; the song of a Serin. It was a male perched on top of a tree singing his so characteristic song. Consists of a gurgling  that reminiscent the crackling of oil when frying an egg. The pity was not to trap the bird...

In regard to the ringing  day, it has been similar to the previous days. Few catches (14) but at least varied with 9 species.

Dunnock: 1
Robin: 1
Lesser Whitethroat: 3
Blackcap: 1
Chiffchaff: 1
Willow warbler: 3
Greenfinch: 1
Chaffinch: 1
Yellowhammer: 1

I hope to have soon new arrival of migrant birds and, why not, to catch a Serin.

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