onsdag den 10. juni 2015

Very Special day :)

Hello everybody!!! 
Today has been a very special day for me, here in Gedser. The ringing day with my friend Henrik, has been very complete with the next species: 

- Gulbug- Icterine Warbler 3
- Havesanger- Garden Warbler 1
- Gransanger- Chif chaf 1
- Skovspurv- Tree Sparrow 1
I alt: 6 beautiful birds 

What the surprise of the day, has come from the sea :D 
First, at the end of the ringing day, Henrik and me were seeing the sea looking for birds, when suddenly...seals!!! yes, my friends, 3 wonderful seals swimming into the sea. I couldn't believe it.  In my country, Spain, we don't have seals...a big big surprise to me. Furthermore we have seen a lot of Swans over the sea, too. No, my friends, in Spain we don't have wild Swams! Perfect day. 

Then, hours later... Gert and me have gone for a walk(looking for birds)...and one more!! another seal!! I'm really happy to stay in Denmark, really :). Thanks Gert. 

For finish, I would like to say Bye an Thank you very much to Henrik, who has returned today to his home.  Thank you for the lessons, for your patience with me...and for the chili nuts ;)

"See" you tomorrow!!!


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