torsdag den 3. september 2015

Slowly into September

Ringing this morning was a little better than recent days with 47 new birds ringed

Spurvehøg 2
Vendehals 1
Skovpiber 2
Jernspurv 2
Rødhals 2
Rødstjert 1
Kærsanger 1
Gulbug 3
Gærdesanger 16
Tornsanger 6
Havesanger 3
Munk 4
Sydlig Gransanger 1
Løvsanger 2
Broget Fluesnapper 1

Nothing major of note around the garden, though a singing male Collared Dove was my first this year in the garden. After the rain, in the afternoon, I had a couple of hours gardening and keeping the net rides in order!

Hopefully tomorrow is a further improvement on today!

NB: a note about last nights blog. Preben's first harrier over the sea was in fact Pallid harrier, and not Montagu's like initially though.


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