Last night we hosted an "Owl event" for local people to come and see Tengmalm's Owls. It was a great success with 3 Owls shown to the group and a further 2 caught after they had left. (5 in total, including a "Controlled" bird, ringed at Falsterbo this season).
Tengmalm's Owl |
Thankfully after last nights Owls, Anders saved the day and said he could take the ringing session this morning! It was a bitterly cold morning and Anders and Heidi did a great job with handling all the birds. A couple of highlights for them made up for all their efforts. A Waxwing (Silkehale) was the 1st of the season and hopefully not the last and in the last round a Firecrest (Rødtoppet Fuglekonge). Anders and Heidi left after a few great days of ringing I really hope they enjoyed it as much as we did having them here! In the evening me and Heather walked along the coast route back from Gedser and whilst blundering along with our shopping I spotted a Barnacle Goose (Bramgås) getting close to a fence. I dropped the shopping and ran for it, after a short burst (All of my energy) I had caught the Goose. It was quickly ringed and released back onto the field before dusk, a first for Gedser I think?
Ringing totals. Waxwing 1, Wren 1, Dunnock 4, Robin 8, Blackbird 6, Fieldfare 1, Song Thrush 1, Redwing 1, Chiffchaff 1, Goldcrest 1, Firecrest 1, Long-tailed tit 28 (Nordlig and Sydlig) Blue tit 7, Great tit 3, Tree Sparrow 1, Greenfinch 4, Goldfinch 1, Siskin 2, Redpoll 1, Bullfinch 1 and as mentioned above Barnacle Goose 1.
Firecrest 1cy female |
Waxwing 1cy female |
Tomorrow is Heather's last day and she will head home after the ringing session. It's been fantastic having an experienced pair of hands around all the time and we've been able to keep up great standards of data collection thanks to her quick extraction and scribing rates. I'll be flying solo (almost) until the end of the Season.
Blog Craig Brookes
Photo's: Craig Brookes and Heather McGinty