Great day here in Gedser, not like yesterday, but good anyway, sunny and without wind:
Spurvehøg/Sparrowhawk 1
Jernspurv/ Dunnok 1
Rødhals/ Robin 4
Rødstjert/ Redstart 2
Solsort/ Blackbird 1
Rørsanger/ Reed warbler 1
Gulbug/ Icterine warbler 3
Gærdesanger/ Lesser whitethroat 15
Tornsanger/ Whitethroat 14
Havesanger/ Garden warbler 7
Munk/ Blackcap 12
Skovsanger/ Wood warbler 1
Gransanger/ Chiffchaff 1
Løvsanger/ Willow warbler 5
Skovspurv/ Tree sparrow 1
Total: 69 birds of 15 different species :)
Well, that is the end of my adventure. 3 months of wonderful ringing and birdwatching. I have met a lot of nice people, I have learned nearly every day. I have had a lot of fantastic experiences.
But I need to come back to Spain, and I would not like to come back without say TUSIND TAK!!! to everyone of you for your time and your patience. You know you have made me feel like in my home.
It has been a pleasure to stay here!!!!
Is not really a "Good bye" is a " Hope to see you again" :D
I have been speaking nearly every day about my new ringed species, but I would like, just for one day, put some photos of the other species, more commons here in Denmark, but anyway, cute and cozy.
Like always, tomorrow, more and better, that time, with my nice colleague Craig Brookes, (good luck with the ringings Craig!!!!)
Lyd ;)