This morning, unfortunately myself and Mathias slept a little over our alarm clocks. We opened a few nets later than normal and I had a walk around the windswept garden. I thought this morning would produce a few birds given the weather conditions overnight. However I failed to catch a new bird in 5 hours of trying. On my search around the garden, I heard a couple of Lesser Whitethroats and Willow Warblers and that's it really. A Spotted flycatcher was also seen but all birds stayed well away from the nets; presumably due to the 12+ M/s wind which swept through the place.
After a few hours failing to ring anything, I took down nets and cut back some brambles.Went bird watching at the point in the afternoon, 13:30 - 16:30. Migrants were
Sparrowhawk 4
Marsh Harrier 1
Honey Buzzard 1
Kestrel 3
Swallow 68
House Martin 17
Sand Martin 23
Sandwich Tern 18
Cormorant 15 (High-flying,over land)
Common Tern 2
Arctic Skua 1
Teal 1
Eider 26
Velvet Scoter 1 (adult male)
Resting birds.
Marsh Harrier, another Juvenile bird
Honey Buzzard, a returning bird which attempted to migrate with the other Honey Buzzard.
Whimbrel 2
Black-throated Diver (2 Adults, winter plumage)
Long-tailed Skua
Hopefully tomorrow is a little better for ringing, I'm on my own again now as Mathias left this morning. Thanks very much Mathias, you've been a great help around here and I hope you enjoyed your training, good luck with ringing and everything else in the future.
Blog Craig Brookes
lørdag den 31. august 2013
fredag den 30. august 2013
Fogged off
Setting the nets in the still twilight hour this morning, I was hopeful for some more birds. The night sky was clear and the moon illuminated the garden. Shortly after 5 am however, a thick mist rolled in and hung around almost all day; visibility was reduced (unlike previous days) and the brisk wind just didn't shift it.
34 Birds is all we ringed today
Sparrowhawk 2
Icterine Warbler 1
Redstart 1
Robin 1
Dunnock 1
Garden Warbler 2
Whitethroat 5
Lesser Whitethroat 5
Willow Warbler 10
Tree Pipit 1
Blackcap 2
Chiffchaff 3
Quite a quiet day compared with the last couple. Nice for Mathias, the trainee to get time for some hands on training.
During ringing we noted only few birds. An ad female type, Marsh Harrier, 28 Crossbills and several Yellow Wagtails were the best. In the afternoon we ventured to the tip, hopeful of a Skua repeat of yesterday.It didn't happen. In 3 hours, our best bird was an Arctic Tern.
We recorded as follows.
White-tailed Eagle 2 (Flying in off sea, resting and thermalling)
Sandwich Tern 22 (intent looking migrants), others were blogging too.
Dunlin 4
Grey Heron 1
Goldeneye 3 birds North
Yellow Wagatail 22
Eider 17
Common Tern 4
Arctic Tern 1
Sparrowhawk 1
Herring Gull 5
Mathias was asleep throughout the watch, Gert drank Cider. Luckily nothing was happening as I was flying fully solo.
34 Birds is all we ringed today
Sparrowhawk 2
Icterine Warbler 1
Redstart 1
Robin 1
Dunnock 1
Garden Warbler 2
Whitethroat 5
Lesser Whitethroat 5
Willow Warbler 10
Tree Pipit 1
Blackcap 2
Chiffchaff 3
Sparrowhawk 1cy female |
Quite a quiet day compared with the last couple. Nice for Mathias, the trainee to get time for some hands on training.
During ringing we noted only few birds. An ad female type, Marsh Harrier, 28 Crossbills and several Yellow Wagtails were the best. In the afternoon we ventured to the tip, hopeful of a Skua repeat of yesterday.It didn't happen. In 3 hours, our best bird was an Arctic Tern.
We recorded as follows.
White-tailed Eagle 2 (Flying in off sea, resting and thermalling)
Sandwich Tern 22 (intent looking migrants), others were blogging too.
Dunlin 4
Grey Heron 1
Goldeneye 3 birds North
Yellow Wagatail 22
Eider 17
Common Tern 4
Arctic Tern 1
Sparrowhawk 1
Herring Gull 5
Mathias was asleep throughout the watch, Gert drank Cider. Luckily nothing was happening as I was flying fully solo.
torsdag den 29. august 2013
Lille Flue Two
With a continued Northwesterly airflow over night, many of yesterday's birds seemed to have left the garden! At first light the garden seemed quieter than yesterday,though diurnal migrants were certainly evident. We recorded many hirundines early on, along with 28 Crossbill, 50+ Tree pipits and 40+ Yellow Wagtails.
The first rounds were slower than yesterday, though we kept busy throughout the morning and finished ringing with a very respectable 95 birds.
Willow Warbler 23
Lesser Whitethroat 18
Whitethroat 12
Tree Sparrow 11
Blackcap 10
Linnet 5
Garden Warbler 3
Tree Pipit 3
Redstart 3
Marsh Warbler 2
Icterine Warbler 2
Robin 1
Pied Flycatcher 1
Yes, that's two Red-breasted Flycatcher (Lille Fluesnapper) in 2 days. After yesterday's juvenile bird, this adult female was a smart specimen.
Birding highlights of the day - Honey Buzzard (Dark adult) migrating mid-morning. A sea-watch from 14:45 - 17:45 produced the following migrants.
Arctic Skua 3
Wigeon 4
Dunlin 44
Whimbrel 1
Bar-tailed Godwit 1
Yellow Wagtail 17 (Migrated)
Red-necked Grebe 2
Common Tern 5
Sandwich Tern 25
Around though, there were more Sandwich Terns, A Marsh Harrier (ad male), Merlin (1cy), Sparrowhawk 6, Meadow Pipit 2, 4 Common Gull, 5 Greater Black Backed Gulls; also mammals, 1 Harbour porpoise and 1 old looking Grey Seal!
Photo and blog: Craig Brookes
The first rounds were slower than yesterday, though we kept busy throughout the morning and finished ringing with a very respectable 95 birds.
Willow Warbler 23
Lesser Whitethroat 18
Whitethroat 12
Tree Sparrow 11
Blackcap 10
Linnet 5
Garden Warbler 3
Tree Pipit 3
Redstart 3
Marsh Warbler 2
Icterine Warbler 2
Robin 1
Pied Flycatcher 1
Yes, that's two Red-breasted Flycatcher (Lille Fluesnapper) in 2 days. After yesterday's juvenile bird, this adult female was a smart specimen.
Red-breasted Flycatcher (Ad female) - Craig Brookes |
Red-breasted Flycatcher (Adult female) - Craig Brookes |
Birding highlights of the day - Honey Buzzard (Dark adult) migrating mid-morning. A sea-watch from 14:45 - 17:45 produced the following migrants.
Arctic Skua 3
Wigeon 4
Dunlin 44
Whimbrel 1
Bar-tailed Godwit 1
Yellow Wagtail 17 (Migrated)
Red-necked Grebe 2
Common Tern 5
Sandwich Tern 25
Around though, there were more Sandwich Terns, A Marsh Harrier (ad male), Merlin (1cy), Sparrowhawk 6, Meadow Pipit 2, 4 Common Gull, 5 Greater Black Backed Gulls; also mammals, 1 Harbour porpoise and 1 old looking Grey Seal!
Photo and blog: Craig Brookes
onsdag den 28. august 2013
With Northerlies, come birds.
First off, apologies for no post yesterday 27th August, ringing was as low as low could be with 0 new birds, plenty of re-captures but the garden was devoid of new life. I took the opportunity to clear some large bushes and make a general mess around the garden,it was great!
Today then, with the wind shifting to the North over night I had hoped the migrant floodgates would swing open and birds flood through on their southward migrations. It wasn't a 'mega day' in the history of Gedser, but it was good enough to keep myself, Mathias and Hans busy for a few hours.
190+ were ringed today then.
Highlights and top scorers were;
Willow Warbler 53
Whitethroat 28
Lesser Whitethroat 26
Blackcap 20
Grasshopper Warbler 1
Red-breasted Flycatcher 1
Thrush Nightingale 1
Sparrowhawk 3
What would make this a good story other than adding the one that got away? Well first round today, one did get away! In the half light and the mist of the twilight hour we took the first round almost silently. As we approached a net in the corner of the garden a bird (presumably at this stage) scurried out in zig-zags in front of me. I looked harder and sped up, the bird took off and slammed into the net, all hell broke loose for what seemed like forever (dramatic, I know) as I struggled to reach the net and keep this leggy visitor in the net. I failed. Many bad words which are not appropriate for this blog, nor any young man my age were thereafter blurted out. The SPOTTED CRAKE had left the building! Truly gutted I didn't get to see it in the hand, life goes on!
Birding highlights today.
Marsh Harrier 3
Red Kite 3
White-tailed Eagle 1
Kestrel 5 (3 migrated)
Sparrowhawk 32 (12+ Migrated)
Buzzard 5 (3 Migrated)
Arctic Skua 1 Juv, lingering off the point, harassing terns.
Photo and Blog: Craig Brookes
Today then, with the wind shifting to the North over night I had hoped the migrant floodgates would swing open and birds flood through on their southward migrations. It wasn't a 'mega day' in the history of Gedser, but it was good enough to keep myself, Mathias and Hans busy for a few hours.
190+ were ringed today then.
Highlights and top scorers were;
Willow Warbler 53
Whitethroat 28
Lesser Whitethroat 26
Blackcap 20
Grasshopper Warbler 1
Red-breasted Flycatcher 1
Thrush Nightingale 1
Sparrowhawk 3
Lesser Whitethroat (2cy+) - Craig Brookes |
Birding highlights today.
Marsh Harrier 3
Red Kite 3
White-tailed Eagle 1
Kestrel 5 (3 migrated)
Sparrowhawk 32 (12+ Migrated)
Buzzard 5 (3 Migrated)
Arctic Skua 1 Juv, lingering off the point, harassing terns.
Photo and Blog: Craig Brookes
mandag den 26. august 2013
Worth a watch
With this nagging Easterly bringing nothing in the form of passerines into the garden,ringing hit a late August lull. 9 Birds ringed in standardised today. Needless to say, I didn't mess around with taking the nets down.
Ringed birds:
Garden Warbler 3
Marsh Warbler 3
Willow Warbler 1
Pied Flycatcher 1
Greenfinch 1
There were also many re-captures from previous days.
I planned to go birding after yesterday migration of Skuas and Little gulls I wanted to see if today would the same.
I arrived at the tip at 10:45 and counted until 18:15 below are the migrating birds noted.
Common Scoter 197
Teal 151
Wigeon 119
Eider 147
Shoveler 64
Pintail 7
Whimbrel 4
Dunlin 6
Oystercatcher 10
Common Tern 20
Arctic Tern 2
Black Tern 6
Little Gull 134
Kittiwake 1 (1st calendar year)
Arctic Skua 29
Long-tailed Skua 4
Unidentified Skua Sp. 2
Red Kite 2 (returned)
Marsh Harrier 2 (returned)
Sparrowhawk 6 (Migrated)
Common Gull 4
Red-necked Grebe 2
Canada Goose 2
Yellow Wagtail 10
Cormorant 13
Sandwich Tern 40+ seemed to be 'blogging' (feeding along the coastline, no migratory determination)
It was again great to see some mid-week birders counting migration.
Blog: Craig Brookes
Ringed birds:
Garden Warbler 3
Marsh Warbler 3
Willow Warbler 1
Pied Flycatcher 1
Greenfinch 1
There were also many re-captures from previous days.
I planned to go birding after yesterday migration of Skuas and Little gulls I wanted to see if today would the same.
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Long-tailed Skua (Juvenile) - Photo from |
I arrived at the tip at 10:45 and counted until 18:15 below are the migrating birds noted.
Common Scoter 197
Teal 151
Wigeon 119
Eider 147
Shoveler 64
Pintail 7
Whimbrel 4
Dunlin 6
Oystercatcher 10
Common Tern 20
Arctic Tern 2
Black Tern 6
Little Gull 134
Kittiwake 1 (1st calendar year)
Arctic Skua 29
Long-tailed Skua 4
Unidentified Skua Sp. 2
Red Kite 2 (returned)
Marsh Harrier 2 (returned)
Sparrowhawk 6 (Migrated)
Common Gull 4
Red-necked Grebe 2
Canada Goose 2
Yellow Wagtail 10
Cormorant 13
Sandwich Tern 40+ seemed to be 'blogging' (feeding along the coastline, no migratory determination)
It was again great to see some mid-week birders counting migration.
Blog: Craig Brookes
With a persistent Easterly wind buffeting the coast here in Gedser, grounded migrants are fairly thin on the ground, therefore ringing totals are down on numbers expected.
This morning (Sunday 25th) was no exception. In 5 hours of standardised ringing (20 nets) I caught only 24 new birds.
Tree Pipit 3
Redstart 2
Marsh Warbler 2
Reed Warbler 1
Icterine Warbler 2
Lesser Whitethroat 2
Whitethroat 2
Blackcap 1
Willow Warbler 4
Pied Flycatcher 1
Linnet 3
Greenfinch 1
So why the title 'August at it's best'? Well, this is due to the birdwatching day which was had today around the peninsular.
Henrik, John and Anders (3 weekend guests) kicked up an ORTOLAN BUNTING somewhere between the Odde and the station and managed to Re-locate it very close to the station. A stunning adult male which fed on the short grass paths behind the station before flying over the lighthouse garden and presumably into the crop fields on the otherside. A great find at Gedser.
Whilst this was going on Louis and a few others continued to count the migration at the tip, a fine job they did too. Below are a fraction of Louis' totals from total.
"Gedser Point 05:15 - 19:00 - Arctic Skua 86, Long-tailed Skua 5, Little Gull 470, Kittiwake 6, Black Tern 24, Gannet 1, Crane 15, Teal 1030, Scaup 1" Also Garganey (Ad male), Shoveler 82+, Wigeon 254+ and Pintail 55+
An amazing amount of birds for late August. The aforementioned Scaup was actually the first record for August, in Gedser.
Also around today, Montagu's Harrier, Hen Harrier and Marsh Harrier.
It was great to see so many people migration counting and birding here and at the tip today. The data produced by more coverage of the site and migration records is truly spectacular. I hope to see as many people out at the tip next weekend as there were this, after some amazing birdwatching today. Below are a few pictures taken by Louis Hansen at from the tip today.
Blog: Craig Brookes
Photos: Louis Hansen
This morning (Sunday 25th) was no exception. In 5 hours of standardised ringing (20 nets) I caught only 24 new birds.
Tree Pipit 3
Redstart 2
Marsh Warbler 2
Reed Warbler 1
Icterine Warbler 2
Lesser Whitethroat 2
Whitethroat 2
Blackcap 1
Willow Warbler 4
Pied Flycatcher 1
Linnet 3
Greenfinch 1
So why the title 'August at it's best'? Well, this is due to the birdwatching day which was had today around the peninsular.
Henrik, John and Anders (3 weekend guests) kicked up an ORTOLAN BUNTING somewhere between the Odde and the station and managed to Re-locate it very close to the station. A stunning adult male which fed on the short grass paths behind the station before flying over the lighthouse garden and presumably into the crop fields on the otherside. A great find at Gedser.
Whilst this was going on Louis and a few others continued to count the migration at the tip, a fine job they did too. Below are a fraction of Louis' totals from total.
"Gedser Point 05:15 - 19:00 - Arctic Skua 86, Long-tailed Skua 5, Little Gull 470, Kittiwake 6, Black Tern 24, Gannet 1, Crane 15, Teal 1030, Scaup 1" Also Garganey (Ad male), Shoveler 82+, Wigeon 254+ and Pintail 55+
An amazing amount of birds for late August. The aforementioned Scaup was actually the first record for August, in Gedser.
Also around today, Montagu's Harrier, Hen Harrier and Marsh Harrier.
It was great to see so many people migration counting and birding here and at the tip today. The data produced by more coverage of the site and migration records is truly spectacular. I hope to see as many people out at the tip next weekend as there were this, after some amazing birdwatching today. Below are a few pictures taken by Louis Hansen at from the tip today.
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Arctic Skua - Louis Hansen |
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Cranes, 8 adults 1 Juvenile (Marked by red arrow) |
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Montagu's Harrier adult Male - Louis Hansen |
Blog: Craig Brookes
Photos: Louis Hansen
søndag den 25. august 2013
Skua day. Sat 24th August
Saturday morning the wind blew briskly from the East 10m/s as a result ringing was rather quiet compared with recent days. Only 30 or so birds ringed. Garden Warbler, Lesser Whitethroat, Willow Warbler and Whitethroat the main species ringed today. Also 3 young Goldfinches.
As the begins to change from summer to autumn, we can notice a shift in the ages of birds being caught along their migration routes, the beginning of autumn normally shows the arrival of juveniles en masse, this is because: 1, there are more juvenile birds present at this time of year than at any other, compared with ratio to adults. 2, Juveniles disperse from their nesting grounds earlier and undertake shorter hops (a slower migration) than the adults which arrive later on as they surge for their wintering grounds.
Saturday morning however, I noticed a shift amongst Garden Warblers, Lesser Whitethroats and the Whitethroats with regards to their ages; after weeks of only catching juvenile birds today we caught the 2nd,3rd and 4th Adult Lesser Whitethroats of the autumn, the same trend was shown by the other species.
As ringing was slow and the wind picked up, after standardised ringing was finished, I packed up the nets, intent on grabbing some lunch and heading out to the point; that didn't happen. I fell asleep almost instantly once I had sat down, which is a shame as Louis' totals below show he had a rather nice day out on the point.
Louis Hansen: "05:15 - 17:25 : Teal 800, Arctic Skua 60, Long-tailed Skua 5-7, Little Gull 265, Black Tern 15, Osprey 4, Shoveler 310, Red-Throated Pipit 1" also a Juv Mediterranean Gull was seen.
Photo and Blog : Craig Brookes
As the begins to change from summer to autumn, we can notice a shift in the ages of birds being caught along their migration routes, the beginning of autumn normally shows the arrival of juveniles en masse, this is because: 1, there are more juvenile birds present at this time of year than at any other, compared with ratio to adults. 2, Juveniles disperse from their nesting grounds earlier and undertake shorter hops (a slower migration) than the adults which arrive later on as they surge for their wintering grounds.
Saturday morning however, I noticed a shift amongst Garden Warblers, Lesser Whitethroats and the Whitethroats with regards to their ages; after weeks of only catching juvenile birds today we caught the 2nd,3rd and 4th Adult Lesser Whitethroats of the autumn, the same trend was shown by the other species.
Garden Warbler-2cy+ note the worn (and 1 replaced) Tertials. Craig Brookes |
Louis Hansen: "05:15 - 17:25 : Teal 800, Arctic Skua 60, Long-tailed Skua 5-7, Little Gull 265, Black Tern 15, Osprey 4, Shoveler 310, Red-Throated Pipit 1" also a Juv Mediterranean Gull was seen.
Photo and Blog : Craig Brookes
fredag den 23. august 2013
Every day in Gedser is different, the weather, the birds, the expectations... This morning (mainly due to the date and also, slightly the weather conditions) we had hoped a Barred Warbler would put in an appearance, alas, it didn't, but that's expectation; some you win some you lose.
I opened the nets today in a fully moonlit garden, Thrush Nightingales called and Willow Warblers Phwipped as they fluttered to the nearest available perch, I expected to be busy. The first 2 rounds were fairly busy, but nothing on previous days. I ended the ringing with (Only) 79 new birds, though also many re-captures from previous days.
Willow Warbler 23
Whitethroat 21
Lesser Whitethroat 12
Icterine Warbler 5
Reed Warbler 5
Garden Warbler 4
Marsh Warbler 2
Blackcap 2
Tree Pipit 1
Pied Flycatcher 1
Tree Sparrow 1
Greenfinch 1
Linnet 1
After the ringing was finished, I headed to the point to meet Benny who has been sitting out at the exhibition centre and also to sit with Henrik and the migration watchers from nearby. It was a pleasant afternoon. In the time I was there, we recorded 15 Arctic Skuas (giving great views as they harrassed Sandwich Terns and migrated past.) Black Tern 10, Little Gull 6, Common Sandpiper 5,
Common Tern 50+, Great crested grebe 2, Velvet Scoter 1, Common Scoter 6, Crossbill 8 and a low flying Osprey which migrated straight out. Also seen out at the Odde today 6+ Long-tailed Skuas. White-tailed Eagle, Buzzard, 2 Marsh Harriers, 5 Sparrowhawks, 2 Kestrels (Though these didn't migrate). Louis told of a Two-barred Crossbill in Gedser again today, I might have to attempt a twitch, low for a man with my opinions on "Twitching", I know; but I am majorly 'gripped off'.
The Wasp-spider was seen again at the Odde, Benny took some shots of it.
2 more guests arrived tonight, we really hope for a Barred Warbler this weekend now. I'd settle for some Long-tailed Skua action!
Blog: Craig Brookes
I opened the nets today in a fully moonlit garden, Thrush Nightingales called and Willow Warblers Phwipped as they fluttered to the nearest available perch, I expected to be busy. The first 2 rounds were fairly busy, but nothing on previous days. I ended the ringing with (Only) 79 new birds, though also many re-captures from previous days.
Willow Warbler 23
Whitethroat 21
Lesser Whitethroat 12
Icterine Warbler 5
Reed Warbler 5
Garden Warbler 4
Marsh Warbler 2
Blackcap 2
Tree Pipit 1
Pied Flycatcher 1
Tree Sparrow 1
Greenfinch 1
Linnet 1
After the ringing was finished, I headed to the point to meet Benny who has been sitting out at the exhibition centre and also to sit with Henrik and the migration watchers from nearby. It was a pleasant afternoon. In the time I was there, we recorded 15 Arctic Skuas (giving great views as they harrassed Sandwich Terns and migrated past.) Black Tern 10, Little Gull 6, Common Sandpiper 5,
Common Tern 50+, Great crested grebe 2, Velvet Scoter 1, Common Scoter 6, Crossbill 8 and a low flying Osprey which migrated straight out. Also seen out at the Odde today 6+ Long-tailed Skuas. White-tailed Eagle, Buzzard, 2 Marsh Harriers, 5 Sparrowhawks, 2 Kestrels (Though these didn't migrate). Louis told of a Two-barred Crossbill in Gedser again today, I might have to attempt a twitch, low for a man with my opinions on "Twitching", I know; but I am majorly 'gripped off'.
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Arctic Skua - Photo. |
The Wasp-spider was seen again at the Odde, Benny took some shots of it.
2 more guests arrived tonight, we really hope for a Barred Warbler this weekend now. I'd settle for some Long-tailed Skua action!
Blog: Craig Brookes
torsdag den 22. august 2013
More of the same today, another 118 birds caught; which means that in the last four days alone we have caught over 700 new birds! Impressive for mid August.
Today's totals.
Wryneck - 1
Tree pipit - 2
Robin - 1
Thrush Nightingale - 1
Redstart - 2
Marsh Warbler - 4
Reed Warbler - 9
Icterine Warbler - 1
Lesser Whitethroat - 17
Whitethroat - 27
Garden Warbler - 18
Blackcap - 9
Willow Warbler - 19
Spotted Flycatcher - 1
Pied Flycatcher - 1
Red-backed Shrike -1
Greenfinch - 1
Linnet - 3
Total 118.
Birding highlights today - Greenshank, 3 Golden Plover, 5 Sparrowhawks, 100 (+) Common Crossbill, 150 Tree Pipit. Grey Partridge 1 ad with 7 Juveniles.
Louis observed Two-barred Crossbill in Gedser today, he's been waiting for that one!
Other wildlife sightings included a large Grass Snake in the garden this afternoon.The above Wasp spider was found at the Odde today, thanks Hans for showing me.
Photo and Blog: Craig Brookes
Today's totals.
Wryneck - 1
Tree pipit - 2
Robin - 1
Thrush Nightingale - 1
Redstart - 2
Marsh Warbler - 4
Reed Warbler - 9
Icterine Warbler - 1
Lesser Whitethroat - 17
Whitethroat - 27
Garden Warbler - 18
Blackcap - 9
Willow Warbler - 19
Spotted Flycatcher - 1
Pied Flycatcher - 1
Red-backed Shrike -1
Greenfinch - 1
Linnet - 3
Total 118.
Birding highlights today - Greenshank, 3 Golden Plover, 5 Sparrowhawks, 100 (+) Common Crossbill, 150 Tree Pipit. Grey Partridge 1 ad with 7 Juveniles.
Argiope bruennichi - Hvespeedderkop/ Wasp Spider |
Louis observed Two-barred Crossbill in Gedser today, he's been waiting for that one!
Other wildlife sightings included a large Grass Snake in the garden this afternoon.The above Wasp spider was found at the Odde today, thanks Hans for showing me.
Photo and Blog: Craig Brookes
onsdag den 21. august 2013
A treble
For the 3rd day on the bounce, we ringed over 100 birds. This morning was similar to yesterday for the spread of species caught and numbers a little down on yesterday,though Willow warblers were noticeable by their absence with just 22 caught today compared with 195 yesterday.
I finished on 114 for the day.
Whitethroat 24
Garden Warbler 24
Willow Warbler 22
Icterine Warbler 8
Lesser Whitethroat 7
Marsh Warbler 6
Reed Warbler 5
Redstart 4
Blackcap 3
Pied Flycatcher 3
Linnet 3
Spotted Flycatcher 2
White Wagtail 1
Dunnock 1
Thrush Nightingale 1
Today's Dunnock is only the 2nd bird we've caught whilst I've been here this autumn, maybe a sign of changing times? Autumn is definitely here as there was a nip in the air this morning after a beautifully clear night.
Thrush Nightingales continue to be caught daily, we are edging ever closer to a new annual record; 34 have been ringed this year at present.
Blog: Craig Brookes
I finished on 114 for the day.
Whitethroat 24
Garden Warbler 24
Willow Warbler 22
Icterine Warbler 8
Lesser Whitethroat 7
Marsh Warbler 6
Reed Warbler 5
Redstart 4
Blackcap 3
Pied Flycatcher 3
Linnet 3
Spotted Flycatcher 2
White Wagtail 1
Dunnock 1
Thrush Nightingale 1
Today's Dunnock is only the 2nd bird we've caught whilst I've been here this autumn, maybe a sign of changing times? Autumn is definitely here as there was a nip in the air this morning after a beautifully clear night.
Thrush Nightingales continue to be caught daily, we are edging ever closer to a new annual record; 34 have been ringed this year at present.
Blog: Craig Brookes
tirsdag den 20. august 2013
The Autumn arrives.
Firstly, sorry for not blogging yesterday evening,tasks mounted up and once we had sorted them all, I fell asleep; poor excuse, I know. So I hope to bring you up to date here.
19th August
Quite a busy morning, more so than previous days. I can only post ringing totals as migration wasn't counted yesterday.
Tree Pipit 3
Thrush Nightingale 3
Black Redstart 1
Redstart 7
Sedge Warbler 2
Marsh Warbler 12
Reed Warbler 2
Icterine Warbler 3
Lesser Whitethroat 13
Whitethroat 27
Garden Warbler 17
Blackcap 4
Willow Warbler 23
Spotted Flycatcher 2
Pied Flycatcher 1
Red-backed Shrike 1
Linnet 7
Total 128.
Bird highlight, 3(+) TAWNY OWLS calling in the garden overnight.
A Canary-shouldered Thorn (Moth) was found whilst clearing some trees, my first in Denmark.
20th August
Today was Thorkild's last morning at the station, we opened nets as usual prior to dawn in near still conditions. Shortly after opening a breeze developed and if I'm honest, I wasn't too hopeful for a good day. I was wrong. By the time Thorkild left around mid morning we had ringed 150 or so birds. By the end of the day, we had ringed 350.
An exceptional day, with the first 'proper' arrival of the Autumn.
Ringing totals then
Willow Warbler - 195
Marsh Warbler - 29
Whitethroat - 25
Lesser Whitethroat - 19
Garden Warbler - 18
Pied Flycatcher - 15
Reed Warbler - 9
Blackcap - 6
Redstart - 5
Icterine Warbler - 5
Spotted Flycatcher - 5
Tree Pipit - 4
Thrush Nightingale - 4
Greenfinch - 2
Linnet - 2
Yellow Wagtail - 1
Black Redstart - 1
Grasshopper Warbler - 1
Sedge Warbler - 1
Red-backed Shrike - 1
Total 350!
Gert continued to work on the ringing house today and did a great job with the windows, all that's left to do now is to paint the insides. Hans appeared mid-morning and got stuck in helping with the birds. I am very grateful for all the help we've recieved. Who knows what tomorrow will bring?
Photo and blog: Craig Brookes
19th August
Quite a busy morning, more so than previous days. I can only post ringing totals as migration wasn't counted yesterday.
Tree Pipit 3
Thrush Nightingale 3
Black Redstart 1
Redstart 7
Sedge Warbler 2
Marsh Warbler 12
Reed Warbler 2
Icterine Warbler 3
Lesser Whitethroat 13
Whitethroat 27
Garden Warbler 17
Blackcap 4
Willow Warbler 23
Spotted Flycatcher 2
Pied Flycatcher 1
Red-backed Shrike 1
Linnet 7
Total 128.
Bird highlight, 3(+) TAWNY OWLS calling in the garden overnight.
A Canary-shouldered Thorn (Moth) was found whilst clearing some trees, my first in Denmark.
20th August
Today was Thorkild's last morning at the station, we opened nets as usual prior to dawn in near still conditions. Shortly after opening a breeze developed and if I'm honest, I wasn't too hopeful for a good day. I was wrong. By the time Thorkild left around mid morning we had ringed 150 or so birds. By the end of the day, we had ringed 350.
An exceptional day, with the first 'proper' arrival of the Autumn.
Ringing totals then
Willow Warbler - 195
Marsh Warbler - 29
Whitethroat - 25
Lesser Whitethroat - 19
Garden Warbler - 18
Pied Flycatcher - 15
Reed Warbler - 9
Blackcap - 6
Redstart - 5
Icterine Warbler - 5
Spotted Flycatcher - 5
Tree Pipit - 4
Thrush Nightingale - 4
Greenfinch - 2
Linnet - 2
Yellow Wagtail - 1
Black Redstart - 1
Grasshopper Warbler - 1
Sedge Warbler - 1
Red-backed Shrike - 1
Total 350!
Wryneck - 1cy. Craig Brookes |
Gert continued to work on the ringing house today and did a great job with the windows, all that's left to do now is to paint the insides. Hans appeared mid-morning and got stuck in helping with the birds. I am very grateful for all the help we've recieved. Who knows what tomorrow will bring?
Photo and blog: Craig Brookes
søndag den 18. august 2013
Avalance in August?
This morning, after a lull in some migration during the week, we saw a large migration of a few species. Crossbills, over the garden number 400+ ; though Louis at the tip can probably double that? Tree Pipits also made a big move in the early hours with 300+ moving over the garden!
Ringing today was similar to yesterday, though many birds only arrived in the nets after 10am which is unusual. We caught 79 new in total.
Willow Warbler 16
Icterine Warbler 15
Pied Flycatcher 10
Whitethroat 8
Marsh Warbler 7
Redstart 6
Tree Pipit 6
Garden Warbler 5
Linnet 2
Thrush Nightingale 2
Lesser Whitethroat 1
Blackcap 1
We also recaptured the Wryneck from recent days. See pic.
I managed to cut a few branches around the garden today before beating my way through the bushes to flush stray berry pickers from the net rides!
Photo and blog. Craig Brookes
Ringing today was similar to yesterday, though many birds only arrived in the nets after 10am which is unusual. We caught 79 new in total.
Willow Warbler 16
Icterine Warbler 15
Pied Flycatcher 10
Whitethroat 8
Marsh Warbler 7
Redstart 6
Tree Pipit 6
Garden Warbler 5
Linnet 2
Thrush Nightingale 2
Lesser Whitethroat 1
Blackcap 1
We also recaptured the Wryneck from recent days. See pic.
Wryneck 1st CY - Craig Brookes |
I managed to cut a few branches around the garden today before beating my way through the bushes to flush stray berry pickers from the net rides!
Photo and blog. Craig Brookes
lørdag den 17. august 2013
Weekend Watchers.
The day today, went to the 'Weekend Watcher(s)', Louis Hansen is particularly worth mentioning. Countless hours spent thanklessly counting migration, hard work for most; not Louis though. Today, last that I heard, they had seen Golden Oriole, Long-tailed Skua and probably a distant Two-barred Crossbill. Here in the garden, nada. Not a sign of any of those birds, though we tried to 'connect' the the latter two thanks to a speedy alert from Louis.
Although bird(s) of the day were seen by others, we still had a good day ringing with 86 new birds and many recaptures from recent days.
Whitethroat 19
Willow Warbler 12
Lesser Whitethroat 11
Garden Warbler 10
Tree Pipit 10
Tree Sparrow 5
Icterine Warbler 4
Redstart 3
Linnet 3
Yellow Wagtail 2
Spotted Flycatcher 2
and singles of Marsh Warbler, Chiffchaff, Pied Flycatcher, Red-backed Shrike and Greenfinch.
Gert again worked on the ringing hut. Anders came to back up the fugle-database. Per Bo continues his search for the Aquatic Warbler.
Photo Thorkild Michaelsen
Blog Craig Brookes
Although bird(s) of the day were seen by others, we still had a good day ringing with 86 new birds and many recaptures from recent days.
Whitethroat 19
Willow Warbler 12
Lesser Whitethroat 11
Garden Warbler 10
Tree Pipit 10
Tree Sparrow 5
Icterine Warbler 4
Redstart 3
Linnet 3
Yellow Wagtail 2
Spotted Flycatcher 2
and singles of Marsh Warbler, Chiffchaff, Pied Flycatcher, Red-backed Shrike and Greenfinch.
![]() |
Yellow Wagtail 1st CY - Thorkild Michaelsen |
Photo Thorkild Michaelsen
Blog Craig Brookes
fredag den 16. august 2013
1st Wryneck of the year.
A slightly slower day than yesterday was had today, probably due to the wind turning back to Southwest. Still, we managed to ring 56 new birds throughout the day.
Whitethroat 10
Icterine Warbler 9
Willow Warbler 9
Yellowhammer 5
Garden Warbler 4
Tree Pipit 2
Thrush Nightingale 2
Marsh Warbler 2
Reed Warbler 2
Greenfinch 2
Singles of...
Pied Flycathcher
Red-backed Shrike
A fine day's ringing with again, a nice variety of species. Gert came again to fix up the ringing hut. I was in bed though, so I can't comment on the progress.
Photo and Blog: Craig Brookes
Whitethroat 10
Icterine Warbler 9
Willow Warbler 9
Yellowhammer 5
Garden Warbler 4
Tree Pipit 2
Thrush Nightingale 2
Marsh Warbler 2
Reed Warbler 2
Greenfinch 2
Singles of...
Pied Flycathcher
Red-backed Shrike
Marsh Warbler 1st CY. |
A fine day's ringing with again, a nice variety of species. Gert came again to fix up the ringing hut. I was in bed though, so I can't comment on the progress.
Photo and Blog: Craig Brookes
torsdag den 15. august 2013
Breaking records.
Today, as we'd hoped was much better for birds, the wind swung from Southwest to Northwest yesterday funneling migrants down to Gedser through the night. This morning, opening nets, we were hopeful.
It wasn't as good as we've been waiting for and we did have to work at it all day to reach the 100 mark, finally finishing on 125 new birds today.
Willow Warbler 29
Garden Warbler 27
Whitethroat 24
Lesser Whitethroat 12
Icterine Warbler 6
Blackcap 5
Marsh Warbler 4
Pied Flycatcher 3
Linnet 3
Reed Warbler 2
Redstart 2
Chiffchaff 2
with singles of Sparrowhawk, Tree Pipit, Spotted Flycatcher, Red-backed Shrike, Tree Sparrow and Yellowhammer.
Nothing record breaking there though, so what was it.
The record broken today (as far as we are aware) is the Common Whitethroat (Tornsanger) Longevity record. Previously in Denmark being around 5years. Today, I re-captured a bird originally ringed back in 2006! A massive 6 Years 11 Months and 21 days after ringing (Therefore falling 9 days short of the British record) this now Adult Female was caught in good health and showing signs of recent breeding (Brood patch/ Rugeplet). More amazingly, the bird was caught in exactly the same net as she was originally ringed back in 2006 by Jesper Brinkman. Congrats Jesper, (and me I suppose).
Aside all of the ringing work done today, we've also had visits from Hans, bringing materials for the lab. Benny and his dog, helping around generally. Brian and his Wife, painting the ringing lab. Also Gert, whom has spent most of the day sealing and finishing off the windows inside the ringing lab.
Birding highlights:100+ Tree Pipits over, 25+ Yellow Wagtails, 50 Crossbills, Grey Heron and 7 Greylag geese (odd).
Photo and blog. Craig Brookes
It wasn't as good as we've been waiting for and we did have to work at it all day to reach the 100 mark, finally finishing on 125 new birds today.
Willow Warbler 29
Garden Warbler 27
Whitethroat 24
Lesser Whitethroat 12
Icterine Warbler 6
Blackcap 5
Marsh Warbler 4
Pied Flycatcher 3
Linnet 3
Reed Warbler 2
Redstart 2
Chiffchaff 2
with singles of Sparrowhawk, Tree Pipit, Spotted Flycatcher, Red-backed Shrike, Tree Sparrow and Yellowhammer.
Sparrowhawk 1cy Female - Craig Brookes |
Nothing record breaking there though, so what was it.
The record broken today (as far as we are aware) is the Common Whitethroat (Tornsanger) Longevity record. Previously in Denmark being around 5years. Today, I re-captured a bird originally ringed back in 2006! A massive 6 Years 11 Months and 21 days after ringing (Therefore falling 9 days short of the British record) this now Adult Female was caught in good health and showing signs of recent breeding (Brood patch/ Rugeplet). More amazingly, the bird was caught in exactly the same net as she was originally ringed back in 2006 by Jesper Brinkman. Congrats Jesper, (and me I suppose).
Aside all of the ringing work done today, we've also had visits from Hans, bringing materials for the lab. Benny and his dog, helping around generally. Brian and his Wife, painting the ringing lab. Also Gert, whom has spent most of the day sealing and finishing off the windows inside the ringing lab.
Birding highlights:100+ Tree Pipits over, 25+ Yellow Wagtails, 50 Crossbills, Grey Heron and 7 Greylag geese (odd).
Photo and blog. Craig Brookes
onsdag den 14. august 2013
More of the same today, the wind persists from the wrong direction and very few birds are becoming grounded around Gedser. In total 10 new birds were caught today.
Willow Warbler 1
Icterine Warbler 1
Lesser Whitethroat 1
Marsh Warbler 1
Thrush Nightingale 1
Whitethroat 3
Garden Warbler 2
Gert arrived to fix the windows and did a fine job of installing them into the ringing hut.
A Juvenile Marsh Harrier flew west early morning, other than that we had a quiet day birding wise. A Short-toed Treecreeper was calling as was the first Wryneck of the Autumn (to my knowledge).
Blog Craig Brookes
Photo Thorkild Michaelsen
Willow Warbler 1
Icterine Warbler 1
Lesser Whitethroat 1
Marsh Warbler 1
Thrush Nightingale 1
Whitethroat 3
Garden Warbler 2
Gert arrived to fix the windows and did a fine job of installing them into the ringing hut.
A Juvenile Marsh Harrier flew west early morning, other than that we had a quiet day birding wise. A Short-toed Treecreeper was calling as was the first Wryneck of the Autumn (to my knowledge).
Blog Craig Brookes
Photo Thorkild Michaelsen
tirsdag den 13. august 2013
Late start
With rain threatening on every forecast, this morning we didn't open the nets until 09:30.
When we did, it wasn't really surprising to catch only 13 new birds.
Willow Warbler 1
Redstart 2
Lesser Whitethroat 1
Icterine Warbler 3
Whitehtroat 3
Garden Warbler 2
Linnet 1
The highlight bird of the day was a Honey Buzzard. There were also a few Crossbills moving through again and Swifts graced us for one of the last days this autumn?
The windows arrived to put the finishing touches to the ringing house. Which will be great, once installed.
Photo and Blog, Craig Brookes
When we did, it wasn't really surprising to catch only 13 new birds.
Willow Warbler 1
Redstart 2
Lesser Whitethroat 1
Icterine Warbler 3
Whitehtroat 3
Garden Warbler 2
Linnet 1
Linnet 2k female - Craig Brookes |
The highlight bird of the day was a Honey Buzzard. There were also a few Crossbills moving through again and Swifts graced us for one of the last days this autumn?
The windows arrived to put the finishing touches to the ringing house. Which will be great, once installed.
Photo and Blog, Craig Brookes
. Gedser,
Bird migration,
bird ringing Craig Brookes,
mandag den 12. august 2013
A brisk wind
With a brisk wind sweeping across the garden from the Southwest there was little hope of many new birds this morning. As Standardised ringing came to a close we had totaled only 9 new birds.
3 Pied Flycatcher
2 Willow Warbler
2 Lesser Whitethroat
1 Icterine Warbler
1 Whitethroat
We decided to close the nets for the rest of the day as we expected the forcasted showers to arrive, they didn't.
Birding highlights were again the Crossbills with 70 Resting in the garden briefly and another 100+ migrating along with the resting 70. Also 2 Kestrels were back. Oystercatcher Migrating over and an adult Great Black Backed Gull hawked the shoreline. Resting were 1 Spotted Flycatcher, 1 (extra) un-ringed Pied Flycatcher, 3 Redstart, 4 Garden Warbler, 1 Treecreeper and 40 Starling.
Not really butterfly weather, but the Silvered-washed fritillary was still around and a few Painted Ladies also.
Photo and Blog: Craig Brookes
3 Pied Flycatcher
2 Willow Warbler
2 Lesser Whitethroat
1 Icterine Warbler
1 Whitethroat
We decided to close the nets for the rest of the day as we expected the forcasted showers to arrive, they didn't.
Spotted Flycatcher from recent days. Craig Brookes |
Not really butterfly weather, but the Silvered-washed fritillary was still around and a few Painted Ladies also.
Photo and Blog: Craig Brookes
søndag den 11. august 2013
In total contrast to yesterday's perfect weather conditions, this morning was horrendous. The wind swung trees around as rain smashed off the windows. As a result. It was 6 before we managed to open any nets. We fulfilled the standardised 5 hours with little to show for our efforts. Just 11 birds.
6 Willow Warbler,
1 Garden Warbler,
1 Linnet
1 Lesser Whitethroat
1 Redstart and
1 Thrush Nightingale.
It rained sporadically throughout the afternoon.
Notably on the migrant front, 200+ Crossbill flew over the garden. Also 6 Tree Pipit and a Sparrowhawk, Autumn is here. A Silver-washed Frittilary was a new garden.
Tomorrow looks promising,ringing wise. Check back tomorrow to see how we've done.
Blog - Craig Brookes
6 Willow Warbler,
1 Garden Warbler,
1 Linnet
1 Lesser Whitethroat
1 Redstart and
1 Thrush Nightingale.
It rained sporadically throughout the afternoon.
Notably on the migrant front, 200+ Crossbill flew over the garden. Also 6 Tree Pipit and a Sparrowhawk, Autumn is here. A Silver-washed Frittilary was a new garden.
Tomorrow looks promising,ringing wise. Check back tomorrow to see how we've done.
Blog - Craig Brookes
lørdag den 10. august 2013
God afslutning på et godt ophold
Denne morgen var Heidis og min sidste på stationen, for denne omgang. Svag vind fra vest og nordvest havde domineret nattens mulm og mørke og derfor regnede vi med en god dag ved nettene. Ganske rigtigt var der pænt med fugle hele morgenen og formiddagen og således endte vi på 131 nymærkninger fordelt på 21 arter.
Spurvehøg (Accipiter nisus) 1 (efterårsæsonens første)
Hvid Vipstjert (Motacilla alba) 1
Jernspurv (Prunella modularis) 1
Nattergal (Luscinia luscinia) 2
Rødstjert (Phoenicurus phoenicurus) 6
Sivsanger (Acrocephalus schoenobaenus) 2
Kærsanger (Acrocephalus palustris) 18
Rørsanger (Acrocephalus scirpaceus) 4
Gulbug (Hippolais icterina) 10
Gærdesanger (Sylvia curruca) 19
Tornsanger (Sylvia communis) 17
Havesanger (Sylvia borin) 10
Munk (Sylvia atricapilla) 1
Skovsanger (Phylloscopus sibilatrix) 1
Løvsanger (Phylloscopus trochilus) 27
Broget Fluesnapper (Ficedula hypoleuca) 3
Grå Fluesnapper (Muscicapa striata) 1
Rødrygget Tornskade (Lanius collurio) 2
Grønirisk (Carduelis chloris) 1
Tornirisk (Carduelis cannabina) 3
Gulspurv (Emberiza citrinella) 1
På sydspidsen var Louis, Benny og Gert m.fl. så heldige at se Gedsers (måske) første Hvidvingede Terne!
Ved middagstid drog Heidi og jeg tilbage til Fyn, efter en rigtig god periode, med mange storslåede oplevelser på Danmarks sydspids. Vi kan til enhver tid anbefale andre unge fuglekiggere og ringmærkere at bruge en ferie eller weekend på Gedser Fuglestation. Du vil næsten uanset årstid få mange gode oplevelser med det imponerende fugletræk og du vil lære rigtig meget!
Hvis det har interessere kan du skrive en mail til:
GFU-blog v. Anders Odd Wulff Nielsen
Spurvehøg (Accipiter nisus) 1 (efterårsæsonens første)
Hvid Vipstjert (Motacilla alba) 1
Jernspurv (Prunella modularis) 1
Nattergal (Luscinia luscinia) 2
Rødstjert (Phoenicurus phoenicurus) 6
Sivsanger (Acrocephalus schoenobaenus) 2
Kærsanger (Acrocephalus palustris) 18
Rørsanger (Acrocephalus scirpaceus) 4
Gulbug (Hippolais icterina) 10
Gærdesanger (Sylvia curruca) 19
Tornsanger (Sylvia communis) 17
Havesanger (Sylvia borin) 10
Munk (Sylvia atricapilla) 1
Skovsanger (Phylloscopus sibilatrix) 1
Løvsanger (Phylloscopus trochilus) 27
Broget Fluesnapper (Ficedula hypoleuca) 3
Grå Fluesnapper (Muscicapa striata) 1
Rødrygget Tornskade (Lanius collurio) 2
Grønirisk (Carduelis chloris) 1
Tornirisk (Carduelis cannabina) 3
Gulspurv (Emberiza citrinella) 1
På sydspidsen var Louis, Benny og Gert m.fl. så heldige at se Gedsers (måske) første Hvidvingede Terne!
Ved middagstid drog Heidi og jeg tilbage til Fyn, efter en rigtig god periode, med mange storslåede oplevelser på Danmarks sydspids. Vi kan til enhver tid anbefale andre unge fuglekiggere og ringmærkere at bruge en ferie eller weekend på Gedser Fuglestation. Du vil næsten uanset årstid få mange gode oplevelser med det imponerende fugletræk og du vil lære rigtig meget!
Hvis det har interessere kan du skrive en mail til:
GFU-blog v. Anders Odd Wulff Nielsen
Friday 9th August
A fairly busy day, all things considered.
In the morning we caught 63 new birds as follows.
Nattergal (Thrush nightingale) 1
Rødstjert (Redstart) 3
Kærsanger (Marsh Warbler) 2
Rørsanger (Reed Warbler) 1
Gulbug (Icterine Warbler) 8
Gærdesanger (Lesser Whitethroat) 3
Tornsanger (Whitethroat) 8
Havesanger (Garden Warbler) 4
Skovsanger (Wood Warbler) 1
Løvsanger (Willow Warbler) 14
Grå Fluesnapper (Spotted Flycatcher) 3
Broget Fluesnapper (Pied Flycatcher) 3
Musvit (Great Tit) 6
Grønirisk (Greenfinch) 1
Tornirisk (Linnet) 3
Karmindompap (Rosefinch) 1
Gulspurv (Yellowhammer) 1
We also took some time cutting and clearing the garden in certain areas, but it just seems to keep growing.
In the evening we went to town, well Gedser for a bite to eat to celebrate the 'last supper' with Anders and Heidi who are leaving us on Saturday!
2 White Storks and 2 Sparrowhawks were the best migrants. A Marsh harrier was also seen near the tip.
In the morning we caught 63 new birds as follows.
Nattergal (Thrush nightingale) 1
Rødstjert (Redstart) 3
Kærsanger (Marsh Warbler) 2
Rørsanger (Reed Warbler) 1
Gulbug (Icterine Warbler) 8
Gærdesanger (Lesser Whitethroat) 3
Tornsanger (Whitethroat) 8
Havesanger (Garden Warbler) 4
Skovsanger (Wood Warbler) 1
Løvsanger (Willow Warbler) 14
Grå Fluesnapper (Spotted Flycatcher) 3
Broget Fluesnapper (Pied Flycatcher) 3
Musvit (Great Tit) 6
Grønirisk (Greenfinch) 1
Tornirisk (Linnet) 3
Karmindompap (Rosefinch) 1
Gulspurv (Yellowhammer) 1
We also took some time cutting and clearing the garden in certain areas, but it just seems to keep growing.
In the evening we went to town, well Gedser for a bite to eat to celebrate the 'last supper' with Anders and Heidi who are leaving us on Saturday!
2 White Storks and 2 Sparrowhawks were the best migrants. A Marsh harrier was also seen near the tip.
fredag den 9. august 2013
Wrong winds
Today (8th August) the wind blew strongly and from the wrong direction, bringing rain and no birds.
We were unable to fulfill standardised for the first time in a long while and instead opted to just open the nets for a short period (in marginal conditions) during a visit from a local school group.
We managed to catch just 6 birds.
1 Marsh Warbler
1 Redtart
1 Icterine Warbler
1 Willow Warbler
1 Pied Flycatcher
1 Lesser Whitethroat
Heidi left temporarily and Thorkild arrived from Mysore, India. In the evening, a meeting was held at the station.
Highlights today were Green Sandpiper, 100 Crossbill, 100+ Swift, Whimbrel and Curlew.
Blog: Craig Brookes
Photo: Anders Odd Wulff Nielsen
We were unable to fulfill standardised for the first time in a long while and instead opted to just open the nets for a short period (in marginal conditions) during a visit from a local school group.
We managed to catch just 6 birds.
1 Marsh Warbler
1 Redtart
1 Icterine Warbler
1 Willow Warbler
1 Pied Flycatcher
1 Lesser Whitethroat
![]() |
Craig posing with two young Common Rosefinches. Who's the prettiest? |
Heidi left temporarily and Thorkild arrived from Mysore, India. In the evening, a meeting was held at the station.
Highlights today were Green Sandpiper, 100 Crossbill, 100+ Swift, Whimbrel and Curlew.
Blog: Craig Brookes
Photo: Anders Odd Wulff Nielsen
onsdag den 7. august 2013
Hard at work
Today, myself and Anders had a fairly busy day.
With the prospect of rain in the early hours we were reluctant to open too many nets, by 6 am the rain clouds had passed and we were able to open all the nets in the garden. Throughout the day, we caught 57 new birds.
Gærdesanger (Lesser Whitethroat) 17
Gulbug (Icterine Warbler) 6
Tornsanger (Whitethroat) 4
Rørsanger (Reed Warbler) 4
Grønirisk (Greenfinch) 4
Rødstjert (Redstart) 3
Løvsanger (Willow Warbler) 3
Tornirisk (Linnet) 3
Kærsanger (Marsh Warbler) 2
along with singles of...
Nattergal (Thrush Nightingale)
Husrødstjert (Black Redstart)
Sivsanger (SedgeWarbler)
Havesanger (Garden Warbler)
Munk (Blackcap)
Skovsanger (Wood Warbler)
Gransanger (Chiffchaff)
Blåmejse (Blue Tit)
Træløber (Treecreeper)
Rødrygget Tornskad (Red-backed Shrike)
and Skovspurv (Tree Sparrow).
We also undertook some much needed maintenance work on the garden,with some bushes and grass being removed. In doing so, we came across at least 2 naked people resting along the beach, nice!
Migration highlights included 30 Curlew, 25 Whimbrel, 200+ Crossbill, 1+ Dunlin (Heard pre dawn), 1 Snipe, 1 Kestrel and 2 Black Kite!
Heidi returned with fresh supplies and smiles and we look forwards to tomorrow having a visit from 35 people. Though the weather may put a hold on any ringing, we'll still have high spirits, if we get a lie in of course.
Photos and Blog, Craig Brookes
With the prospect of rain in the early hours we were reluctant to open too many nets, by 6 am the rain clouds had passed and we were able to open all the nets in the garden. Throughout the day, we caught 57 new birds.
Gærdesanger (Lesser Whitethroat) 17
Gulbug (Icterine Warbler) 6
Tornsanger (Whitethroat) 4
Rørsanger (Reed Warbler) 4
Grønirisk (Greenfinch) 4
Rødstjert (Redstart) 3
Løvsanger (Willow Warbler) 3
Tornirisk (Linnet) 3
Kærsanger (Marsh Warbler) 2
along with singles of...
Nattergal (Thrush Nightingale)
Husrødstjert (Black Redstart)
Sivsanger (SedgeWarbler)
Havesanger (Garden Warbler)
Munk (Blackcap)
Skovsanger (Wood Warbler)
Gransanger (Chiffchaff)
Blåmejse (Blue Tit)
Træløber (Treecreeper)
Rødrygget Tornskad (Red-backed Shrike)
and Skovspurv (Tree Sparrow).
Treecreeper 1st CY - Craig Brookes |
Wood Warbler 1st CY - Craig Brookes |
Migration highlights included 30 Curlew, 25 Whimbrel, 200+ Crossbill, 1+ Dunlin (Heard pre dawn), 1 Snipe, 1 Kestrel and 2 Black Kite!
Heidi returned with fresh supplies and smiles and we look forwards to tomorrow having a visit from 35 people. Though the weather may put a hold on any ringing, we'll still have high spirits, if we get a lie in of course.
Photos and Blog, Craig Brookes
tirsdag den 6. august 2013
Blæst & Interview
Craig og Heidi åbnede i morges nettene. Hele natten og morgenen har det blæst fra SØ og klokken 08:00 var vi nødsaget til at lukke nettene pga. et ordentligt regnvejr. Derfor har vi ikke kunne matche de to foregående dages rigtig gode fangsttal, men 28 fugle blev det da til, hvilket faktisk er ganske fint, omstændighederne og årstiden taget i betragtning.
Dagens fangster fordeler sig således:
Hvid Vipstjert 1
Rødstjert 1
Kærsanger 4
Rørsanger 6
Gulbug 3
Gærdesanger 3
Tornsanger 4
Havesanger 2
Skovsanger 1
Løvsanger 2
Skovspurv 1
Ved middagstid ankom en journalist og en fotograf fra Folketidende. De brugte en times tid på at interview'e Heidi, Hans og jeg, om livet på fuglestationen og hvorfor vi (Heidi og jeg) har valgt at bruge det meste af vores sommerferie her på GFU. Det var vældig hyggeligt og jeg ser frem til at læse artiklen!
I løbet af natten ser det ud til at vinden går om i V/NV og i morgen tidlig skal den aftage en hel del. Craig og jeg er klar til i morgen og håber på masser fugle!
GFU-blog v. Anders Odd Wulff Nielsen
Dagens fangster fordeler sig således:
Hvid Vipstjert 1
Rødstjert 1
Kærsanger 4
Rørsanger 6
Gulbug 3
Gærdesanger 3
Tornsanger 4
Havesanger 2
Skovsanger 1
Løvsanger 2
Skovspurv 1
Ved middagstid ankom en journalist og en fotograf fra Folketidende. De brugte en times tid på at interview'e Heidi, Hans og jeg, om livet på fuglestationen og hvorfor vi (Heidi og jeg) har valgt at bruge det meste af vores sommerferie her på GFU. Det var vældig hyggeligt og jeg ser frem til at læse artiklen!
I løbet af natten ser det ud til at vinden går om i V/NV og i morgen tidlig skal den aftage en hel del. Craig og jeg er klar til i morgen og håber på masser fugle!
GFU-blog v. Anders Odd Wulff Nielsen
mandag den 5. august 2013
Trækket fortsætter
I dag blev endnu en god dag på Gedser Fuglestation. Morgenen bragte mange gode fangster, det blev til 152 nymærkninger. Blandt de, for årstiden mange fugle træder disse arter frem som de mest bemærkelsesværdige:
Nattergal 6, Husrødstjert 2, Rødstjert 11, Sivsanger 2, Rørsanger 13, Skovsanger 1, Broget Fluesnapper 4 og Karmindompap 3.
Der ud over har der, som normalt for denne tid, været en del Kærsangere, Gærdesangere og Gulbuge igennem i dag.
De unge mænd har ud over det også set en Rød Glente, da de gik ind til Gedser for at handle. Samt set en Rovterne flyve lige over stationshaven i dag.
Til eftermiddag ankom undertegnede endnu en gang til den lille station, og skal være her og hjælpe med ringmærkning i morgen. Jeg håber på, at den syd-østlige vind bærer noget sjovt med i morgen, men jeg synes ikke vi har haft for meget held med den vind i år - desværre!
GFU-blog v. Heidi Vibe Frederiksen
Fotos: Anders Odd Wulff Nielsen
Nattergal 6, Husrødstjert 2, Rødstjert 11, Sivsanger 2, Rørsanger 13, Skovsanger 1, Broget Fluesnapper 4 og Karmindompap 3.
![]() |
Nattergal 1K |
Digesvale 2K+ |
Karmindompap 1K |
De unge mænd har ud over det også set en Rød Glente, da de gik ind til Gedser for at handle. Samt set en Rovterne flyve lige over stationshaven i dag.
Til eftermiddag ankom undertegnede endnu en gang til den lille station, og skal være her og hjælpe med ringmærkning i morgen. Jeg håber på, at den syd-østlige vind bærer noget sjovt med i morgen, men jeg synes ikke vi har haft for meget held med den vind i år - desværre!
GFU-blog v. Heidi Vibe Frederiksen
Fotos: Anders Odd Wulff Nielsen
søndag den 4. august 2013
Gedser Gold
In total contrast to yesterday's slow ringing day, this morning (4th August) proved relatively busy. With 154 new birds throughout the morning we certainly didn't go short of anything.
Rødhals (Robin) - 1
Nattergal (Thrush Nightingale) - 1
Husrødstjert (Black Redstart) - 1
Rødstjert (Redstart) - 2
Solsort (Blackbird) - 1
Græshoppesanger (Grasshopper Warbler) - 1
Kærsanger (Marsh Warbler) - 32
Rørsanger (Reed Warbler) - 43
Gulbug (Icterine Warbler) - 15
Gærdesanger (Lesser Whitethroat) - 17
Tornsanger (Common Whitethroat) - 9
Havesanger (Garden Warbler) - 8
Skovsanger (Wood Warbler) - 1
Gransanger (Chiffchaff) - 4
Løvsanger (Willow Warbler) - 10
Broget Fluesnapper (Pied Flycatcher) - 2
Korttået Træløber (Short-toed Treecreeper) - 2
Tornirisk (Linnet) - 4
The Robin was the first of the Autumn and a sign of things to come as we continue into August and the migration really hots up.
Gert came today to empty his moth traps and didn't find anything of particular interest, it seemed.
Louis phoned to Anders mid morning to tell of a possible Two-barred Crossbill atop a tree in the garden, which he had observed from the point. Anders ran out, heard the bird calling though couldn't place it and confirmed that Louis' thoughts were correct. Thanks Louis, a lifer for Anders. I stayed to ring the birds in the lab, hopefully tomorrow I will get a 'lifer' too. I did get one today however with Short-toed Treecreeper, it's only taken me 3 Autumns in Denmark.
Photos and Blog: Craig Brookes
Rødhals (Robin) - 1
Nattergal (Thrush Nightingale) - 1
Husrødstjert (Black Redstart) - 1
Rødstjert (Redstart) - 2
Solsort (Blackbird) - 1
Græshoppesanger (Grasshopper Warbler) - 1
Kærsanger (Marsh Warbler) - 32
Rørsanger (Reed Warbler) - 43
Gulbug (Icterine Warbler) - 15
Gærdesanger (Lesser Whitethroat) - 17
Tornsanger (Common Whitethroat) - 9
Havesanger (Garden Warbler) - 8
Skovsanger (Wood Warbler) - 1
Gransanger (Chiffchaff) - 4
Løvsanger (Willow Warbler) - 10
Broget Fluesnapper (Pied Flycatcher) - 2
Korttået Træløber (Short-toed Treecreeper) - 2
Tornirisk (Linnet) - 4
The Robin was the first of the Autumn and a sign of things to come as we continue into August and the migration really hots up.
Short-Toed Treecreeper 1cy - Craig Brookes |
Black Redstart 1cy (Left) and Redstart 1cy (Right) - Craig Brookes |
Louis phoned to Anders mid morning to tell of a possible Two-barred Crossbill atop a tree in the garden, which he had observed from the point. Anders ran out, heard the bird calling though couldn't place it and confirmed that Louis' thoughts were correct. Thanks Louis, a lifer for Anders. I stayed to ring the birds in the lab, hopefully tomorrow I will get a 'lifer' too. I did get one today however with Short-toed Treecreeper, it's only taken me 3 Autumns in Denmark.
Photos and Blog: Craig Brookes
Slow Saturday
Today (Saturday3rd) was really slow with birds grounded in the garden. This is probably because of the perfect migration conditions. In all the hours we had the nets up, we only caught 20 birds.
Digesvale (Sand Martin) - 1
Hvid Vipstjert (White Wagtail) - 1
Rødstjert (Redstart) - 1
Gulbug (Icterine Warbler) - 2
Gærdesanger (Lesser Whitethroat) - 3
Tornsanger (Common Whitethroat) - 3
Havesanger (Garden Warbler) - 1
Skovsanger (Wood Warbler) - 1
Løvsanger (Willow Warbler) - 4
Tornirisk (Linnet) - 2
Gulspurv (Yellowhammer) - 1
Below is a picture of an Adult Icterine Warbler (Gulbug)
We also re-caught the Rødtoppet Fuglekonge (Firecrest) and noticed the Brood patch is still very prominent. Presumably a local breeder, which as I understand is a great record for South Falster.
Migration was good overhead but we just couldn't keep track of it all.
Louis reported 1200 Common Swift Migrating today along with at least 300 Crossbill.
In the evening a shower or two arrived and brought many Swallows, Martins and Swifts down low over the field next to the house, we only managed to catch one of the Sand Martins, but one is better than nothing.
Brian and Terkel left in the morning after a short stay with us, Heidi also left in the afternoon leaving myself and Anders alone. Take care all of you and thanks for your help.
Photo and Blog: Craig Brookes
Digesvale (Sand Martin) - 1
Hvid Vipstjert (White Wagtail) - 1
Rødstjert (Redstart) - 1
Gulbug (Icterine Warbler) - 2
Gærdesanger (Lesser Whitethroat) - 3
Tornsanger (Common Whitethroat) - 3
Havesanger (Garden Warbler) - 1
Skovsanger (Wood Warbler) - 1
Løvsanger (Willow Warbler) - 4
Tornirisk (Linnet) - 2
Gulspurv (Yellowhammer) - 1
Below is a picture of an Adult Icterine Warbler (Gulbug)
Icterine Warbler - Foto: Craig Brookes |
We also re-caught the Rødtoppet Fuglekonge (Firecrest) and noticed the Brood patch is still very prominent. Presumably a local breeder, which as I understand is a great record for South Falster.
Migration was good overhead but we just couldn't keep track of it all.
Louis reported 1200 Common Swift Migrating today along with at least 300 Crossbill.
In the evening a shower or two arrived and brought many Swallows, Martins and Swifts down low over the field next to the house, we only managed to catch one of the Sand Martins, but one is better than nothing.
Brian and Terkel left in the morning after a short stay with us, Heidi also left in the afternoon leaving myself and Anders alone. Take care all of you and thanks for your help.
Photo and Blog: Craig Brookes
lørdag den 3. august 2013
Another nice day in Gedser.
This morning (Friday 2nd August) conditions were near perfect for ringing. All nets were opened and standardised ringing was completed, we closed the nets for a few hours in the midday sun and then opened again in the afternoon for a short while. Overall, 60 new birds were caught today.
Icterine warbler (Gulbug)- 20
Marsh Warbler (Kærsanger) - 7
Willow Warbler (Løvsanger) - 6
Blackbird (Solsort) - 5
Lesser Whitethroat (Gærdesanger) - 5
Whitethroat (Tornsanger) - 4
Greenfinch (Grønirisk)- 2
Redstart (Rødstjert) - 2
Singles of Thrush Nightingale (Nattergal), Blackcap (Munk), Chiffchaff (Gransanger), FIRECREST (Rødtoppet Fuglekonge), Pied Flycatcher(Broget Fluesnapper) and Linnet (Tornirisk)
We also recaptured the River Warbler (Flodsanger) first ringed a few days ago.
Below are pictures of Heidi, happy after ringing her first Firecrest and also, the River Warbler.
Migration was evident over the garden today and we counted 30+ Crossbills (though many more were too high to count), 4 Yellow Wagtails, 3 Siskin, 2 Tree Pipit and 1 Honey Buzzard.
Anders' father Brian and friend Terkel were here for a second day, we enjoyed a barbeque and a 'sundown' in the cool evening sun. Another fine day to be working here at Gedser.
*In case you are a ringer reading this, Gedser Fuglestation still has an available spot for a Ringer-in-charge this Autumn. It's a paid position and having spent 2 autumns down here myself I can certainly recommend it. If you are interested please contact Rune Tjørnløv.
Photos and Blog: Craig Brookes
Icterine warbler (Gulbug)- 20
Marsh Warbler (Kærsanger) - 7
Willow Warbler (Løvsanger) - 6
Blackbird (Solsort) - 5
Lesser Whitethroat (Gærdesanger) - 5
Whitethroat (Tornsanger) - 4
Greenfinch (Grønirisk)- 2
Redstart (Rødstjert) - 2
Singles of Thrush Nightingale (Nattergal), Blackcap (Munk), Chiffchaff (Gransanger), FIRECREST (Rødtoppet Fuglekonge), Pied Flycatcher(Broget Fluesnapper) and Linnet (Tornirisk)
We also recaptured the River Warbler (Flodsanger) first ringed a few days ago.
Below are pictures of Heidi, happy after ringing her first Firecrest and also, the River Warbler.
Heidi med Rødtoppet Fuglekonge - Foto Craig Brookes |
Flodsanger, River Warbler - Foto Craig Brookes |
Anders' father Brian and friend Terkel were here for a second day, we enjoyed a barbeque and a 'sundown' in the cool evening sun. Another fine day to be working here at Gedser.
*In case you are a ringer reading this, Gedser Fuglestation still has an available spot for a Ringer-in-charge this Autumn. It's a paid position and having spent 2 autumns down here myself I can certainly recommend it. If you are interested please contact Rune Tjørnløv.
Photos and Blog: Craig Brookes
torsdag den 1. august 2013
Nye havemænd
Vi stod op til en stille morgen her på stationen. Vinden kom let fra sydvest, og vi havde en stille dag i vente. Vi holdt alligevel nettene åbne til klokken 12.30 - eller drengene gjorde, for jeg faldt i søvn på sofaen. 12.30 måtte de også have en lur, og jeg fik ordnet lidt i huset i mellemtiden.
Vi åbnede nettene igen klokken 16.00 da begge drenge var stået op. Mens nettene var åbne fik vi ordnet lidt foran vores ringmærkningsskur, hvor der skulle samles lidt haveaffald sammen. Vi lukkede først nettene kl. 19.30 i dag, der var ikke mange fugle de sidste timer, men lidt havde vi da. Vi nåede op på at have nettene åbne 11 timer fordelt på dagen og vi nåede da at mærke 54 nye fugle.
De sjoveste ting vi har haft i hænderne i dag har nok været en ung Rødstjert og sæsonens første unge Sivsanger, samt endnu en Nattergal.
Sivsanger 1K
Welcome back Craig!
Her til aften ankom Brian, Anders' far, og Terkel, som skal være her til på lørdag eller søndag. De skal hjælpe til med kratrydning og andet havearbejde. Det er dejligt med ekstra hænder! Specielt når den standardiserede mærkning er igang. Det mest spændende på obsfronten blev i dag til 85 Lille Korsnæb, 6 Rødrygget Tornskade (i samme busk), 1 Rørhøg og to sydtrækkende flokke af sortænder.
I morgen spår DMI at vi skal få vind fra sydøst og øst, og det skal bringe lidt varme herop. Vi håber på, at det måske også vil bringe en sjov og måske lidt sjælden fugl med. Det siges i hvert fald, at det er med den vind de sjældnere fugle kommer, så vi håber!
GFU-blog v. Heidi V. Frederiksen
Fotos: Anders O. W. Nielsen
GFU-blog v. Heidi V. Frederiksen
Fotos: Anders O. W. Nielsen
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