onsdag den 7. august 2013

Hard at work

Today, myself and Anders had a fairly busy day.

With the prospect of rain in the early hours we were reluctant to open too many nets, by 6 am the rain clouds had passed and we were able to open all the nets in the garden. Throughout the day, we caught 57 new birds.

Gærdesanger (Lesser Whitethroat) 17
Gulbug (Icterine Warbler) 6
Tornsanger (Whitethroat) 4
Rørsanger (Reed Warbler) 4
Grønirisk (Greenfinch) 4
Rødstjert (Redstart) 3
Løvsanger (Willow Warbler) 3
Tornirisk (Linnet) 3
Kærsanger (Marsh Warbler) 2
along with singles of...
Nattergal (Thrush Nightingale)
Husrødstjert (Black Redstart)
Sivsanger (SedgeWarbler)
Havesanger (Garden Warbler)
Munk (Blackcap)
Skovsanger (Wood Warbler)
Gransanger (Chiffchaff)
Blåmejse (Blue Tit)
Træløber (Treecreeper)
Rødrygget Tornskad (Red-backed Shrike)
and Skovspurv (Tree Sparrow).

Treecreeper 1st CY - Craig Brookes
Wood Warbler 1st CY - Craig Brookes
We also undertook some much needed maintenance work on the garden,with some bushes and grass being removed. In doing so, we came across at least 2 naked people resting along the beach, nice!

Migration highlights included 30 Curlew, 25 Whimbrel, 200+ Crossbill, 1+ Dunlin (Heard pre dawn), 1 Snipe, 1 Kestrel and 2 Black Kite!

Heidi returned with fresh supplies and smiles and we look forwards to tomorrow having a visit from 35 people. Though the weather may put a hold on any ringing, we'll still have high spirits, if we get a lie in of course.

Photos and Blog, Craig Brookes

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