More great weather resulted in another great day of ringing. This morning 67 new birds were ringed and 7 retraps were measured. There were 12 species ringed today, and unlike previous mornings Robins did not dominate the catch - they were the second-most common species (14 ringed) after Willow Warblers (18 ringed). Chiffchaffs were the third most abundant, with 10 ringed.
Chiffchaff (left) and Willow Warbler (right) had their share of the spotlight today along with Robins |
There were also many Linnets in the garden today, and 4 were ringed along with 2 Goldfinches, 3 Blackcaps and the usual species of Dunnocks, Wrens, Greenfinches, Chaffinches and Song Thrush. But the highlight of the morning was ringing a Fieldfare - the first for the year and another new species for me before I leave.
The gorgeous first Fieldfare ringed for the year |
Once again I spent the afternoon birdwatching around Maribo with Gert. Other than an Osprey (Fiskeørn) and a very late Smew (Lille Skallesluger), there was nothing too noteworthy to report. But what better way to enjoy this glorious weather.
Breakdown 21/04/2015:
Wren (Gærdesmutte) - 2
Dunnock (Jernspurv) - 6
Robin (Rødhals) - 14
Fieldfare (Sjagger) - 1
Song Thrush (Sangdrossel) - 2
Blackcap (Munk) - 3
Chiffchaff (Gransanger) - 10
Willow Warbler (Løvsanger) - 18
Chaffinch (Bogfinke) - 3
Greenfinch (Grønirisk) - 2
Goldfinch (Stillits) - 2
Linnet (Tornirisk) - 4
TOTAL = 67
Lizzy Joyce
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