søndag den 5. oktober 2014


Today the second ever Merlin (Dværgfalk) was ringed at GFU! It was caught in a sparrowhawk net in the afternoon.
Merlin (Falco columbarius)
Photo: Anders Odd Wulff Nielsen

Not only did we catch a Merlin (did I mention we caught a Merlin?) but we also caught ANOTHER Yellow-browed Warbler! (Hvidbrynet løvsanger). That's right! Another one!

Yellow-browed Warbler (Phylloscopus inornatus)
Photo: Joe Krawiec
But these weren't the only interesting birds, we also caught a couple of Red-breasted flycatchers (Lille fluesnapper), another two Treecreepers (Træløber) and the second Redwing (Vindrossel) of the season.

We ringed 130 birds in total for the day, still lots of Robins around (40) and quite a few Wrens (9). An amazing day's ringing, not sure how were going to top this one!

To celebrate, I made nettle soup... didn't turn out too bad.

Blog: Joe Krawiec

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