tirsdag den 9. juni 2015

My first day at Gedser Fuglestation

Hello everybody!!
 I´m a new ringer here in Gedser, and it´s my first time ringing in Denmark :) Nice to meet you!!!!
My name is Lydia and I´m a Spanish girl, I really want to learn a lot of your birds.

Today has been a great day for me, I have ringed with the help of a nice boy, Henrik. (Thank you very much for your help). We have ringed 15 birds of 7 different species:

- Hvid Vipstjert/ White wagtail 1
- Solsort/ Black bird 1
- Rørsanger/ Reed warbler 2
- Gulbug/ Icterine warbler 7
- Tornsanger/ White throat 2
- Gransanger/ Lesser whitethroat 1
- Bogfinke/ Chaffinch 1
Linnet/tornirisk from the archive

You can find these species where I live :) but the especial date of the day has been a recapture:
a beautiful Tornirisk ( Linnet)!!! This bird is very common here, in Gedser, but for me, has been my first Linnet ringed. A nice surprise for my first day :D

Tomorrow more, and better.
Kind regards
Lydia ;)

Tornirisk /Linnet

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