søndag den 28. juni 2015

Summer day

Good night everybody!!!!

How are you today? Today has been a great day for me here in Gedser. I´m not alone, Rune is with me. And for first time in a lot of days, the sun was shinning strongly :)

A lot of birds today at the ringing session:

- Jernspuv/ Dunnock 2
- Solsort/ Blackbird 1
- Gulbug/ Icterine warbler 1
- Gærdesanger/ Lesser whitethroat 3
- Tornsanger/ Whitethroat 1
- Havesanger/ Garden warbler 1
- Munk/ Blackcap 4
- Spætmejse/ Nuthatch 1
- Skovspurv/ Tree sparrow 2
- Tornirisk/ Linnet 1

Total_ 17 new birds of 10 species!! + 13 recaptures=  30 Birds  Great day!!!

Thank you very much Rune for your help. We have had the visit of a lot of different people here today in the station.   We have done a lot of gardering too. And for finish a perfect day...

Pancakes!!!!!! Thank you very much Rune!!!!!
More, on Tuesday :)
"See" you

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