søndag den 30. august 2015

Amazing ringing session

We are really busy that days, many birds in the nets, and a lot of different species. Yesterday we have not enough time to do all the computer work, so that´s the chronicle of yesterday, 29/8/15

Løvsanger/ Willow warbler 6
Gransanger/ Chiff chaff 2
Spurvehøg/ Sparrowhawk 2
Jernspurv/ Dunnok 5
Rødhals/ Robin 2
Nattergal/ Thrush nightingale 1
Rødstjert/ Redstart 6
Sangdrossel/ Song trush 1
Kærsanger/ Marsh warbler 2
Rørsanger/ Reed warbler 1
Gulbug/ Icternine warbler 7
Gærdedanger/ Lesser whitethroat 12
Tornsanger/ Whitethroat 14
Havesanger/ Garden warbler 7
Munk/ Blackcap 15
Grå fluesnapper/ Spotted flycatcher 1
Broget fluesnapper/ Pied flycatcher 3
Rødrygget tornskade/ Red-backed shrike 1
Tornirisk/ Linnet 1

Total: 89 birds of 19 species. As you can see, a very amazing ringing morning!!!
Sure the numbers are going to increase that days.  And the sparrowhawk nets still working really well.

Not photos of birds today, just a nice photo of some of the people who has made me feel like in home every single day since I am here in Denmark.  Of course here are not all the people, but you now I am very grateful to everyone. 

Lyd ;)

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