mandag den 10. august 2015

Sparrowhawk party


It's been a great day today here in Gedser :) Lots of birds in the nets, and many different species. I think today is the day with most captures for me. And a very very special new species for me, totally new!!!!!!
First, the results:

Spurvehøg/Sparrowhawk 1** My Super New species!!!!!!!
Jernspuv/ Dunnock 1
Nattergal/ Thrush nightingale 1
Rødstjert/Redstart 2
Solsort/Blackbird 1
Kærsanger/Marsh warbler 5
Rørsanger/ Reed warbler 3
Gulbug/Icterine warbler 6
Gærdesanger/ Lesser whitethroat 29 
Tornsanger/Whitethroat 14
Havesanger/ Garden warbler 1
Munk/Blackcap 1
Gransanger/Chiffchaff 1
Løvsanger/Willow warbler 9
Broget Fluesnapper/Pied flycatcher 1
Grønirisk/Greenfinch 1
Tornirisk/Linnet 1

Total: 78 new birds + 26 recaptures....104 birds!!!!!! :D Great

As you can see today has been a really good day here. We have enjoyed it a lot with all the new birds. 
Today we have been 3 people ringing, Craig, me, and our new guest: Jon Kennedy :) Welcome!!! and thank you very very much for your help. He's another English boy (easier to understand him than Craig hehehehe), but unfortunately he is only going to stay here with us until tomorrow. 

Photos of the special birds of today

More and better, tomorrow

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