onsdag den 30. maj 2012

Lille forbedring

Today the captures were a little more higher than in the previous days. However the numbers continue to be low and without no "special" species.
The results from today, as usual, were the following (retraps between parentheses):

Havesanger Sylvia borin - 2 (0)  
Munk Sylvia atricapilla - 1 (1)
Tornsanger Sylvia communis - 5 (1)
Gaerdesanger Sylvia curruca - 1 (2)
Kaesanger Acrocephalus palustris - 2 (0)
Gulbug Hippolais icterina - 0 (4)
Løvsanger Phylloscopus trochilus - 1 (0)
Gra Fluesnapper Muscicapa striata - 1 (0)
Bogfinke Fringilla coelebs - 1 (0)
Tornirisk Carduelis cannabina - 0 (1) 
Gulspurv Emberiza citrinella - 1 (0)

Total - 15 (9)


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