torsdag den 17. maj 2012

Blæsende, få fugle

The morning is just to windy. I pondered even not open the nets.
During the morning just the following results (retraps between parentheses):

Skovpiper Anthus trivialis - 1 (0)
Solsort Turdus merula - 0 (1)
Havesanger Sylvia borin - 1 (0)
Tornsanger Sylvia communis - 2 (2)
Gaerdesanger Sylvia curruca - 0 (1)
Løvsanger Phylloscopus trochilus- 1 (0)
Stær Sturnus vulgaris - 0 (1)
Bogfinke Fringilla coelebs - 1 (0)
Tornirisk Carduelis cannabina - 3 (0)

Total - 9 (5)

The weather previsions for this night are favorable to migrantion. Let's see how it will be tomorrow.

P.S. - Sessão à PBG (just a small message to Portugal).

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