lørdag den 5. oktober 2013

ater fantastic meal!

The wind put a hold to standardised ringing as the minimum length of net couldn't be reached.

The nets that were sheltered enough to remain open were left unfurled and caught the autumns first Coal Tit which are always great to see in the hand especially as these continental birds look very different to the brittanicus race we see back home.

Coal Tit Periparus ater ater A cracking little bird, photo by Rael Butcher
In the afternoon we had a work party to improve some more net rides as well as maintaining the network of paths that weave through the garden. Given the warm start to the autumn and daily sunshine the hedgerows and bramble have grown like wild fire.

Gert kindly picked us up in the evening and took us to Louis' house for a FANTASTIC Danish meal. Not only did it make an amazing change to pasta but we had a great chat and a good giggle.

Clockwise from left to right, Hugh, Jack, Rael and Gert, photo by Louis Hansen aka Gedser's *** Michelin Chef
 A MASSIVE THANK-YOU to Gert & Louis for a brilliant evening!......Skal!

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