This morning, for the first time in November, the nets were set. Hopes were high as a few Thrushes and Goldcrests seemed to have arrived overnight! As the morning wore on it was obvious that my initial thoughts were wrong as Goldcrest after Goldcrest in the nets were recaptures from recent days! I ringed only 5 new birds today, a Coal tit, a Tree Sparrow, a Goldcrest, a Wren and a Robin.
Robin |
A Waxwing was heard but not seen and so probably feeding in the Lighthouse garden. A few Coal tits (at least 4) were grounded migrants but nothing was really moving in the wind. A Red Kite and 2 Sparrowhawks were seen.
Hopefully the weather will improve late next week and there will be an opening to try to catch some Owls.
Photo and Blog: Craig Brookes
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